P. 98


                                              “wITH LoTUS”

              A VERSATILE oIL fRoM THE oRIENT

                                 Very important in oriental culture,

                         the lotus is at the centre of this femcare oil

                                                                     The lotus flower is deeply rooted in Chinese culture
                                                                     and has influenced many aspects of East Asian society
                                                                     over the centuries. It is an important symbol not only in
                                                                     Confucianism, but also in Buddhism, Taoism, and other
                                                                     Eastern philosophies. Growing in muddy waters, its stems are
                                                                     edible and leave behind many seeds to sustain life and benefit
                                                                     others. Its glossy pink flowers are beautiful and even though
                                                                     the lotus flower blooms in a murky pond, it retains its beauty.
                                                                     Let us now consider femininity. Perceptions of femininity are
                                                                     complex and multifaceted, shaped by cultural, social, and
                                                                     personal factors, and vary greatly from society to society and
                                                                     era to era. This oil hopes to achieve an environment where
                                                                     women can honestly express their femininity without criticism
                                                                     and can be proud of being women.

            The product is composed of sage oil.                                        It is deodorized to make it suitable for
            Sea buckthorn oil, also known as “Sugee                                     use in cosmetics. The ingredients are so
            oil,” is a nutrient-rich oil extracted from                                 safe and reliable that they can even be
            the fruit of the Hippophae rhamnoides                                       used on babies. This versatile oil can be
            plant by the cold-pressing method. It                                       used all over the body: it moisturizes the
            contains a whopping 200 nutrients! It                                       body, face, nails, and hair; it prevents
            belongs to the Elaeagnaceae family of                                       and treats stretch marks; it can relieve
            the plant kingdom. Native to the cool                                       discomfort and lack of moisture during
            temperate regions of Europe and Asia,                                       sexual intercourse and soothes skin after
            it is widely used in traditional medicine                                   hair removal. Men can even use it after
            in China, India, and Russia, where the                                      shaving. Its fragrance is very relaxing.
            leaves and fruits are processed into                                        The innovation of this oil is that it can
            paste, tea, and juice to treat various                                      be used in particular in the delicate
            types of infections. The sea buckthorn                                      female zone. It is effective against odor,
            tree is widely known as the vitamin   loss. It promotes skin repair and cell   dark spots, discomfort, dryness, itching,
            tree; its fruit contains 200-800 times   rejuvenation. Rich in natural antioxidants   menopause, PMS, etc. Used plentifully in
            more vitamin C than an apple, three   such as polyphenols and flavonoids, it   massage, its effects can be felt in a few
            times more vitamin A than a carrot, and   protects skin from sun and heat damage.   days. In case of feeling uncomfortable
            four times more superoxide dismutase   Antibacterial and antifungal oils help   about applying it to the female area,
            than ginseng. Itis also rich in fatty acids,   protect the scalp from dandruff and   using it on the face and body first
            amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and   other microbial attacks, keep the scalp’s   can be a first step. Femcare, which is
            omega 6 and 7 fatty acids. Its benefits   oil balanced and also protects the hair’s   widespread in Europe, is not customary
            are numerous: it is an excellent skin   natural colour. All the ingredients are   yet in most of Asia. The packaging of
            and scalp moisturizer, it promotes cell   pure, natural, and suitable for all skin   the products is based on origami and
            regeneration and prevents early signs   types and are 100% plant-based, with   the lotus motif, and when the box is
            of ageing, wrinkles, spots, and hair   no added chemicals or preservatives.   opened, it unfolds like a flower.

               fREUVE.LTD 12 woodlands square #08-77 | WOODS SQUARE SINGAPORE (737715) | Email:

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