P. 80
This proactive approach comes from great success in Hong Kong and more A soon-to-be introduced addition is a
their research which found that there recently the Gulf States. A key factor to mineral based SPF face cream that will
was a considerable amount of skin their winning formula is the Gardiner continue their clean, environmentally
concerns for the size of their domestic Family Apothecary’s understanding of and ecologically friendly credentials.
population. From eczema, rosacea, the need to grow and evolve to meet Being designed, developed and made
dermatitis and acne, 9 out of 10 people the changes around them. in Ireland resonates locally as well
in Ireland experience some form of as creating strong interest from their
skin sensitivity in any given year. “While existing markets who already know
traditional formulations are fantastic at G5® HAUTE COSMÉTIQUES and trust LLR-G5 high-calibre research
soothing and repairing damaged skin, BY LLR-G5 credentials. “We love the European
there was clearly a need for a more
practical solution that could be used
every day to reduce the risk of breakouts
occurring.” says Joanna Gardiner, CEO
Family Gardiner Apothecary. Created
and manufactured at their GMP
Pharma grade facility in Ireland, Elave
Sensitive Skincare (alongside their other market, being established in continental
flagship brand Ovelle) are globally John Loftus Europe has been rather uplifting knowing
recognised for formulations that pass the focus by the consumer on quality,
the highest international Pharma and healthy ingredients and proven benefits.
ethical standards. Their unwavering Innovation and one of the most inventive We plan to expand here and to move
commitment to cruelty free, ethical ingredients on the market has inspired into the Gulf States over the coming
testing and sustainable, eco-friendly, G5® Haute Cosmétiques by LLR-G5. year.” advises John Loftus. G5® Haute
100% recyclable packaging has seen Rapidly being regarded as an industry Cosmétiques by LLR-G5 is the story
them set a very high benchmark in gamechanger this gender neutral brand of scientific innovation, cosmetics
the industry. The innovative range is is reimagining the luxury skincare sector. advancement and a passion to shape the
formulated for every age (including G5® Haute Cosmétiques by LLR-G5 future of the beauty industry. Its deceptively
baby and junior). Following a prevention is the brainchild the pioneering Irish simple, highly regenerative and stylishly
rather than cure philosophy, these highly business LLR-G5 who have been at the packaged collection is set to be one
effective products are closely aligned to forefront of wellbeing and skin science of the most interesting, effective and
how our lifestyles have changed with a technology since their inception in 1999. inventive skincare brands on the market.
focus on reducing the harmful impact Their boundary-pushing molecule MMST
the skin can experience on a daily basis. (Monomethylsilanetriol) in combination
“There has been an enormous increase with advanced ingredients have created gREEN ANgEL SKINCARE
in skin sensitivity in a very short space of an active molecular cosmetic range
time.” Joanna Gardiner explains “In the designed for all skin types, all ages and
1950s for example, 1 in every 20 babies all genders. “The most valuable benefit
might develop eczema. Today that of MMST is in its ability to promote
number is as high as 1 in every 4. natural collagen production, “ explains
A 500% increase in just two generations.” John Loftus, Managing Director &
In line with this proactive approach to CEO “thus actively regenerating the
caring for your skin, a recommendation skin, bringing elasticity and tone
Chris and Mary Mitchell
that Gardiner herself follows as a daily while maintaining hydration. It’s truly
habit is their SPF infused moisturiser remarkable.” This new star ingredient
Elave Daily Skin can be found in G5® Haute Cosmétiques
Defence SPF45. by LLR-G5 compact collection of Rich, locally sourced organic Irish seaweed is a
Their home market currently four products (The Cleanser, signature ingredient of Green Angel Skincare.
of Ireland has been a The Lotion, The Mist and The Cream). Founded in 2006 by Mary and Chris
template for success The Cream has rapidly become a stand- Mitchell this luxury skincare brand is
and they have grown out product particularly in combination recognised for its fusion of the two
their presence across with the Mist, this double MMST ancient practices Thalassotherapy and
the UK as well as application is the perfect boost to restore, Aromatherapy, this translates through
further afield with regenerate and replenish the skin. the use of locally harvested seaweed