P. 83
routines. Her focus on creating a science- her brand was a success was “selling our products not only meet the highest
led premium skincare powered by cutting- out on QVC US in 7 minutes in 2017. organic cosmetic standards of skincare but
edge ingredients and combined simplicity We were first-timers among huge also resonate with our customers evolving
with efficacy, was a departure from these global brands. And we sold out – we needs.” This approach started with the
complicated regimens. Her forward- were selling so well they added an safe sunless tanning brand TanOrganic,
thinking philosophy rapidly gained unscheduled minute to my slot.” formulated to give a natural-looking,
traction with a wider consumer base and Pestle & Mortar has deservedly won streak free tan without the harsh
has been instrumental in developing international recognition and awards ingredients typically used in traditional
beauty’s minimalist movement. for its category defining style that is self-tanning products. This ahead-of-
“By incorporating a diverse range of rooted in the founding vision to create the-curve thinking regarding clean and
active ingredients, each addressing more streamlined, effective skincare that organic is reflected throughout the
different skin concerns, we enable doesn’t come at a price tag for the planet. company as skin health and environmental
customers to tailor a skincare routine care share equal importance. Noelle’s
that specifically meets their individual passion for sustainability being integral
needs.” explains Founder & CEO Sonia in the brand’s identity is unwavering, “it
Deasy. ”When customers layer multiple manifests in every aspect, from responsibly
Pestle & Mortar products, they are sourcing ingredients to our eco-friendly
not overloading their skin with packaging… we are cosmos eco-certified,
the same ingredients, which can be vegan society certified, cruelty free
redundant and potentially irritating. certified and have a 100 score on the
Instead they’re applying a spectrum ethical organization. Only 8 cosmetic
of beneficial actives, leading to companies globally have that score.”
a more efficient skincare routine.” A further social responsibility initiative
This beauty and skin wellness thinking is their collaboration with a recycling
stems from Sonia’s heritage, she comes THE KIND bRAND CoMPANY partner in India to help promote a circular
from a family with six generations of economy and reduce waste. The most
Indian Medicine men (her uncle still recent and highly successful launch of
practises). At Pestle & Mortar the blend VeganTan is testament to the company’s
of ancient wisdoms from Indian natural connectivity and value alignment with
healing with cutting-edge science the younger generation. Designed as
creates simple but highly effective a masstige brand with a premium feel,
skincare that is suitable for all skin types. VeganTan uses vegan and cruelty-free
Sonia’s first Pestle & Mortar product was ingredients combined with sustainable
the Pure Hyaluronic Serum, formulated Noelle O’Connor practices. The outstanding success of
with hyaluronic acid across various TanOrganic has seen exceptional growth
molecular weights. A cult favourite since around the world which is reinforced
it launched, its philosophy of deep, The Kind Brand Company’s Founder by a repeat purchase factor of 88%.
effective hydration represents their Noelle O’Connor is known as a trailblazer Their TanOrganic Self-Oil has been a hero
core ethos around their skincare. in the beauty industry. Her catalogue of product for over a decade, with a cult
Pestle & Mortar now has a signature ‘firsts’ has seen a complete shift in the following who love its natural results
collection of 12 products as well as sunless tanning category and now she and skin nourishing properties. One of
dermatologist approved is going even further with their B Corp the most exciting new developments
DERMA SKINCARE, formulated certification pending for their suncare is the launch of TanOrganic’s certified
to repair and protect sensitised skin, range. As a former skin care therapist organic reef safe non nano SPF range.
and NIMBU for the body. Noelle has a deep understanding of
Pestle & Mortar winning science and how to care for the wellbeing of the skin.
nature formula has resulted in it being “Our proactive approach to skin health
one of the most successful Irish luxury has been fundamental in shaping our
beauty brands, with representation product development.” explains Noelle
in 30 countries across 3 continents. O’Connor. “It drives us to innovate,
One moment that stands out for leading to specialized ranges that cater to
Sonia as the time she realised diverse skin needs. This focus ensures that
To arrange a meeting with any of the brands on the Ireland Pavilion at Cosmoprof 2024 or for more
information please get in touch with Valérie Kaminov, Founder IL Brand Consultancy
E: T: + 44 7789 693359