P. 81
and essential oils as the foundation time. The blend of massage techniques,
formula and the building block on which gRoUND wELLbEINg plant-based aromatherapy and gua
all their skincare products are born. sha help manage body tension and an
As Mary Mitchell explains, “the key overthinking mind. Wellbeing provide at
differentiator for Green Angel Skincare home self-care are products that are locally
is the unique way the distinctive blend handmade in small batches, with carefully
of 4 different seaweed extracts we use crafted formulations of natural plant-
in all our products is cleverly combined based ingredients which are designed to
with very specific botanical and essential address specific issues. In line with their
oils. The outcome is a superior delivery passion for sustainability every element of
of these ingredients to the skin resulting Peigin Crowley the process is considered and committed
in better, healthier and more sustained to making a positive difference. A new
results which also aligns with the growing ritual being introduced is a cleansing one
consumer demand for cleaner and safer Having worked as a massage therapist focused on the abdomen which features
beauty products.” The extensive multi- for over 25 years Peigin Crowley took a a cleanse abdominal oil complemented
award winning collection features products more connected approach to creating her by a castor oil with fennel, ginger and
encompassing facial skincare, body award winning spa and wellbeing brand. peppermint. This focuses on the centre
care, hair care and a lifestyle range. Each “I’ve spent years working with different of our second brain the gut and works in
new formulation has been created with brands that focus on anti-aging, cellulite two ways: relaxation
proactive focus on their customer who they and kind of how we look on the outside through soothing
view as co-creators, this customer-centricity versus how we feel on the inside so nerve endings,
has resulted in a loyal fan base around GROUND was very much based on assisting circulation
the world including the USA and saw in coming home to ourselves.” Now at and boosting
2021 the opening of their first flagship the forefront of the wellness evolution detoxification as well
store in Wicklow, Ireland. When it comes GROUND has a hands-on approach to as helping increase
to signature products “our Green Angel inclusive wellness. Their natural products, connectivity to
Seaweed & Collagen Face Cream and home rituals and spa treatments are ourselves.
our Pro-Collagen Serum with hyaluronic designed to encourage self-care and
spheres are our hero products.” Mary address modern day issues including:
Mitchell advises. “Our Green Angel face sleep, anxiety, burn out, gut health, L.A. PACIfIC
cream also includes Irish seaweed, which menopause, pregnancy and cancer care.
of course contains lots of vital vitamins, This comprehensive vision has led them
minerals, trace elements and iron which to work with some enviable hotel partners
helps to feed and nourish the skin. The Pro- who benefit from the combination of
Collagen Serum with hyaluronic spheres therapist centricity, customisation and
is oil-based which helps to reduce fine creativity. GROUND proudly celebrates
lines and wrinkles and helps to increase Ireland and the influences that create
the elasticity of the skin and has absorbing threads through everything they do. “All of
properties to promote long-term hydration.” our product families have Irish names from Fran Egan
With the ongoing success of the brand on Codladh for sleep. Talamh for grounding,
the global stage Mary and Chris Mitchell Beo for vitality and Curam for care and
are looking to expand further into the pregnancy. Our cancer care collection is L.A. PACIFIC’s founding concept was
Southeast Asian market, in particular South called Barróg, which is Irish for the hug.” not simply to be another oral hygiene
Korea, Japan, Hong Kong and China. Everything Peigin does is through the lens brand but to look at the bigger picture
Each of these countries has a synergy with of sustainability and she firmly believes and respond to the shifting consumer
seaweed as well as a familiarity with the in the circular economy, which means mindset. “We positioned L.A. PACIFIC
green natural landscape of Ireland. they are committed to working closely as an oral wellness brand” explains Fran
with local suppliers and partners. The Egan, CEO Innov8labs “because we
purpose and intention of their signature spotted a trend emerging in the market –
rituals prioritises how you feel as well as the intersection of beauty and oral care.”
making wellbeing more accessible. Their This redefining approach is enhanced
signature Grounding Ritual demonstrates further by their commitment to not
this combination of treating both the using harsh ingredients or damaging
physical and the emotional at the same substances such as hydrogen peroxide