Page 36 - Export Magazine
P. 36
The most important beauty world trade fair registered
the return to normality, with record attendances
concerning both exhibitors and visitors!
Parlux booths and products were always
very crowded and appreciated!
The new Parlux advertising campaign negative emission and therefore
“ Test it! It is powerful, reliable and the elimination of static hair) and
lightweight” contributed to make the the HFS system (hair catching system to
Parlux booths even more a real stopping keep the hairdryer cleaner and efficient
point both for professionals, who in time); all the Parlux hairdryers are
are already Parlux lovers and for available in new color versions, always
newcomers to the hairstyling world. modern and trendy, suitable for any
The Parlux Digitalyon®, the most personal taste or decor in hair salons.
recent model in the wide range of Visitors gladly received the invitation
professional hairdryers proposed to test the Parlux quality hairdryers
in the more than 45 years of also thanks to the presence of
Parlux’s activity, was at the centre the Threedom group hairstylists
of presentations, requests for who generally take part in live shows
information and practical tests. and events in Italy and abroad
There can be no doubt that this and on this occasion, presented
model represents the best tool their trendiest hairstyles.
at the disposal of hairdressers for In these areas, visitors could also
them to work as best as possible. directly obtain some Threedom group
A new concept professional digital hairstyling services, with the use of with their favourite hairdryers,
motor, powerful (2400 Watt) lightweight, the PARLUX Digitalyon® hairdryers. . testifying once again how this
reliability, ergonomics, perfect balance There were also some fun moments Italian hairdryer brand “is probably
and exclusive systems such as the when Italian and foreign “Parlux lovers” the best hairdryer all over the world...
Air Ionizer Tech (optimizing the ion stopped to take photos and selfies until the next Parlux model!”)