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                                                  FUTURE 50: WHAT’S

                                                  NeXT IN BeAuTy

                                                  After the recent success of Beauty Matter, the beauty event that was held in New
                An interview with                 York last April, I met Kelly Kovack who conceived and innovated the event as well

                  Kelly Kovack,                   as being its strategist. For this second event (the first was held in Los Angeles
                Founder and CEO                   before the pandemic), she succeeded in bringing together the most important
                                                  personalities from the American beauty market as well as many others. Participants
                 of Beauty Matter                 included founders of brands from all over the globe and investors ready to invest
                                                  on the brands that will be the “Future 50”.  Beauty Matter is the ideal social event
                                                  to create new connections with the brands of the next 50 years!
            by Grazia Zuccarini, Global Marketing,
            Public Relations & Communications Consultant
                                                  about performance marketing: you can   EM: What’s next in beauty?
            EXPORT MAGAZINE: The title of the     have a business that sells beauty products,   KK: One of the many trends that is
            event is “Future 50.” Kelly, why this   but this is not necessarily a brand. Finally,   growing is linked to women’s products,
            visionary title?                      we really dug into the products to see if   aimed at women’s health: vaginal
            KELLY KOvACK: The idea of the title   there really was innovation.          products, sexual wellness, products for
            Future 50 came from that fact that there                                    the menopause, fertility supplements.
            are so many independent and extremely   EM: The most innovative             For millennials, all these topics are
            dynamic brands that it is an art form to   brand at the event?              no longer taboo and the market is
            understand which of them will survive,   KK: L’Oréal has been incredibly    responding with dedicated brands
            which ones will make the difference and   innovative, they have really leaned into   and products. At the same time female
            have a long life on a market which is   technology so some of the innovations   investors are increasingly involved in
            increasingly saturated, as we know that   that are coming out of their innovation   the conversation, taking control of these
            many of these start-ups will be sold in a   lab, especially in personalization is   brands and overviewing the research
            few years’ time to then disappear from the   groundbreaking, but that is just one   to create the best quality products for
            market. And the brands that on the other   example, they are very, very bullish on   themselves. Another opportunity comes
            hand will be successful and have a long   Web3 and the meta-verse. So, while I think   from acne which is no longer a taboo.
            lige, how will they stand out? Will they   that L’Oréal and other big brands are very   Sometimes the new opportunity is about
            really be able to change the cosmetics   innovative, I also think that the future is   products and innovation, and sometimes
            industry, will they be the Future 50?   going to look a lot like the past: a merger   it is just about the language we use.
                                                  and acquisition strategy so they’re going
            EXPORT MAGAZINE: How did you select   to acquire brands to reach consumers and   EM: A last question about sustainability
            the guest brands that you invited to   incorporate them in their portfolios.  and beauty ….
            your panels at the event?                                                   KK: There is nothing new on the one
            KK: We out together a qualitative-    EM: What do you think about big       hand, but then on the other hand all
            quantitative list of the brands and we   groups buying emerging brands and   the brands are doing the same thing!
            started to do research, concentrating   hardly being able to manage them?   But I have to feel optimistic because I
            above all on the qualitative points.   KK: Well, I think that every acquisition is   see that there is a lot of work around
            We did research on the founders and on   different, and I think that strategies have also   this topic. I can see innovation coming
            the teams that they have put together,   started taking a slightly different path: if you   out of universities and colleges are it
            because it is the teams that make the   look at Estee Lauder, in their last acquisitions   is so groundbreaking. I think there is
            difference, lastly we investigated the   with The Ordinary and with Dr. Jart and now   a lot of innovation around materials,
            investors that are behind the various   they’ve made a couple more where they   but the challenge is that they’re not
            brands and then to what “type of money”   start out with a minority investment and with   commercially viable yet. We’re seeing
            they have because there are many      the agreement within a timeframe and they   more commitment from the strategics
            different ways of growing depending on   have the ability to increase their majority,   and even brands like Chanel have
            crowd funding. Then we really dug into the   therefore it’s like getting to know the   made a lot of investments in packaging
            brand: is there really a brand here or are   brand before you decide to actually make   suppliers that are doing research and
            they just selling products? We always talk   that acquisition, so that’s one strategy.   development in sustainable materials.

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