Page 44 - Export Magazine
P. 44


                          CoVeRpLA ReINfoRCeS ITS

             pReSeNCe oN The ITALIAN MARKeT

                    wITh The houSe of ReyNALDI

                When the famous house of Reynaldi decided last year

                 to enhance its fragrance offer, it called on Coverpla’s

                 Italian subsidiary to help. Thanks to this partnership,

             four new fragrances were born using catalog references:
                               bottles, caps, pumps and pump covers

            Created by Doctor Reynaldi more than 40 years ago, the Turin-based house    So MuCh MoRe ThAN A STANDARD
            has carved its place as a leader on its domestic market for cosmetics products   OFFER: A FULL SERvICE
            for which it manages the development from A to Z, right down to formulation.   For these four fragrances, the brand
            Today, the company stands out for its commitment to nature and society.     chose the Elsa bottle in a 200ml format
            A year ago, it decided to enhance its fragrance collection with the addition of   and Laura in its 50ml version, both paired
            Bois Tonic, Rose Taif, Blossom and Tiaré, making them “modern and elegant.”  with the Vintage cap in mat black and
                                                                                        silver-colored pumps and pump covers.
            CoVeRpLA, The pARTNeR                 that offered the consumer a beautiful   Coverpla acted as a design advisor and
            foR peRSoNALIzATIoN                   object to display in the bathroom     orchestrated its art of personalizing
            The brand’s brief consisted           or as a gift or a little self-indulgence.   products through the mixing and
            of modernizing its cologne            “We wanted a product that was         matching of the components. For this
            and eaux de parfum collections        particularly elegant with purely      development, the Vintage cap acts as
            in line with market trends.           defined lines that would seduce       a common thread linking the various
            The idea was to create a product      both the Italian and international    references. To this is added the elegance
            that was not just sensorial but       markets.” explain the brand.          of an intentionally minimal label.

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