Page 43 - Export Magazine
P. 43

                                                                                         ITALY (BEAUTY & BUSINESS S.p.A.)
                                                                                         · ISO 9001:2015
                                                                                         · GMP ISO 22716:2007
                                                                                         · ISO 13485:2016 MEDICAL DEVICE

                                                                                         MEXICO (dOBOS C.v.)
                                                                                         · ISO 9001:2015
                                                                                         · ISO 22716:2007
                                                                                         · GMP - COFEPRIS
                                                                                         · INDUSTRIA LIMPIA (clean industry)
                                                                                         · environmental certification
                                                                                         BRAZIL (dELLY KOSMETIC LTdA)
                                                                                         · ISO 9001:2015
                                                                                         · GMP - ANVISA
                                                                                         · BRC AUDIT
            SuSTAINIBILITy                        prepared by Statista for Il Sole 24 Ore.
            In Fall 2018, Alfaparf Milano began its   This research was based on the analysis
            path towards sustainability, guided by the   of sustainability reports, by evaluating   This project won The Procurement
            belief that the ultimate goal in business   the achievement of a series of KPIs   Award 2021 in the Ethical and
            activity is not limited just to maximizing   in three macroareas: environmental,   Sustainable Purchasing category.
            profit: it must include the creation of   social, and economic.             · EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES: Almost all
            shared long-term value, for the benefit                                       employees are hired on permanent
            of all corporate stakeholders and in the   heRe ARe A few eXAMpLeS of The     contracts and women represent
            interest of future generations. We want   CoMMITMeNT ThAT hAS LeD uS To       more than half of the workforce;
            to conduct our activities in a transparent   BE A LEAdER IN SUSTAINABILITY:   · SUSTAINABLE SUPPLY CHAIN: 100% of
            and responsible way, communicating our  · CLEAN ENERGY: 2 out of 5 production   new suppliers are selected on the basis
            strategy, our objectives and our results   plants use exclusively 100% renewable   of ethical, social and environmental
            to all stakeholders and integrating their   electricity, 1 plant uses more than 80%   criteria and almost 60% of 2021
            expectations into our decisionmaking    renewable electricity.                expenditure is on local suppliers;
            processes. We undertake to manage our  · CO2 OFFSET: Natural gas CO2 emissions  · ETHICS: The company has adopted
            resources efficiently and strategically,   of the Italian production plant are offset.   a new Code of Ethics, committing
            to generate value for the company and   · SUSTAINABLE INGREDIENTS:            to uphold and promote respect for
            also to contribute to the socio-economic   40% of the ingredients used in our   human rights, nondiscrimination,
            development of the territory in which we   formulations are of natural origin    health and safety in the workplace, zero
            operate, the growth of our people and of   and 18% are certified;             tolerance for child labour, the right to
            all the individuals that make up our value  · SUSTAINABLE PACKAGING: We       fair and supportive working conditions,
            chain, the protection of the environment,   only use 100% recycled materials   environmental protection and the
            and the promotion of respect for human   (aluminium, plastic and paper) for   achievement of the Sustainable
            rights. The efforts made and the results   Alfaparf Milano branded color tubes   Development Goals (SDGs) promoted
            achieved have been recognized: in       and Private Label tailor-made projects,   by the United Nations.
            2021 and 2022, we were awarded as       produced in Italy. We have eliminated  · DIVERSITY&INCLUSION: “Beauty in
            Sustainability Leader in the ranking    leaflets in favor of QR codes.        all its forms” project was created by
                                                                                          Alfaparf Milano to offer young people
                                                                                          with Down’s syndrome the opportunity
        pRoDuCTIoN CApACITy                          Production extent                    to undertake a training course to
        itaLY (BEaUtY anD BUssinEss s.p.a.)          • HAIR DYES:                         become hairstylist assistants.
        SITE AREA: 25.000 SQM                          permanent - demi permanent       · SUPPORT TO VULNERABLE PEOPLE:
        COVERED AREA: 11.000 SQM                       - direct colors. cream, oil, gel
        ANNUAL CAPACITY: 100.000.000 UNITS             textures                           Through the Alfaparf Milano
        EMPLOYES: 451                                                                     Professional brand, we are supporting
                                                     • HAIR COLOR KITS
        MExico (DoBos c.V.)                                                        Dynamo Campo, a non-profit
        SITE AREA: 15.000 SQM                        • TECHNICAL PRODUCTS:                organization, which arranges holiday
        COVERED AREA: 11.000 SQM                       developers - bleaching             camps with recreational therapy for
        ANNUAL CAPACITY: 90.000.000                    powders - straightening and        children suffering from serious or
        UNITS EMPLOYES: 523                            perm products)                     chronic diseases and their families.
                                                     • HAIR CARE TREATMENTS:
        BraziL (DELLY KosMEtic LtDa)                                                    · HUMAN RIGHTS PROTECTION: We are
        SITE AREA: 35.000 SQM                          shampoo - conditioners -
        COVERED AREA: 15.000 SQM                       masks - leave in - vials           at the forefront fighting violence against
        ANNUAL CAPACITY: 80.000.000                  • SKIN CARE:                         women by supporting D.i.Re., an
        UNITS EMPLOYES: 233                            face and body products             Italian organization of non-institutional
                                                                                          antiviolence centers and shelters.

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