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                    THE NEW ETHoS® AND PARLuX

                                ELySIuM® HAIRDRyERS

              Presented at CoSMoPRoF Worldwide 2024 in Bologna

                        The most important fair of the year was the occasion to unveil all the innovative features
                           of the new Parlux hairdryers: visitors and professionals are enthusiastic about them.

            Parlux was highly successful in Bologna   hairdresser’s needs, easily and precisely.  competitions). They are available in
            again this year, where the show featured   Another important and absolute novelty   seven different trendy colours: Matte
            the brand new hairdryers Parlux       in both these new Parlux models is the   White, Fuchsia, Lilac, Galaxy Blue,
            ETHOS® and Parlux ELYSIUM®.           revolutionary 360° patented twisting   Copper, Titanium and Black.
            The new Parlux models come from the   cable (STC Special Twisting Cable)    Parlux ELYSIUM® will be available from
            long Parlux experience (over 40 years   allowing complete freedom                 the end of 2024, while Parlux
            in the beauty industry) and after several   of movement at any                        ETHOS® is already available
            studies and long research to obtain   moment during styling.                            on the market, both in the
            increasingly efficient hairdryers for   An additional technical                          “Pack” version – hairdryer
            complete customer satisfaction.       feature of the new Parlux                          with diffuser - and in
            All professional Parlux hairdryers stand   models is the new on                          the standard one, with
            out for their power and lightweight,   and off button. Thanks                            two nozzles (a classic
            ergonomics, balance, silence and      to the memory function,                            one and a SLIM one for
            reliability. Parlux ETHOS® and Parlux   switching on again, you                        perfect straight hair).
            ELYSIUM® both have professional       can find the latest setting for                At Cosmoprof Worldwide
            digital motors. They are lightweight and   prompt and quick use.                 2024, visitors could test the
            offer a power of 2300 Watt, 3 speeds   Finally, they have the Air Ionizer Tech   Parlux ETHOS® model at first hand,
                              and 3 temperatures   system (negative ion emission)       including through the performances
                              allowing you to     and the HFS system (hair catching     of the hairstyling group Threedom
                              select 9 different   system) as well as the anti-heating   who created very quick, effective
                              combinations        front body, which were already        and super trendy styles.
                              to find the         present in the previous Parlux models.  The Parlux social corner was also
                              performances of     Parlux ETHOS® and Parlux ELYSIUM®,    exciting, thanks to the great photos
                              the best loved      are especially suitable for intensive use   taken by the visitors to the Parlux booth.
                              Parlux models       in the hair salon and on any occasion   They were given some Polaroid pictures
                              and suit the        where the professional wishes to      as well as a copy on their mobile
                              drying experience   express all their creativity. (backstage,   devices to share them on their social
                              according to the    live hair shows, events and hairstyling   networks, tagging @parlux_italia.

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