P. 28


                                                                                        one shows off her own world,
                                                                                        made up of preferences,
                                                                                        often emulating her heroines.
                                                                                        Today, social media play a
                                                                                        fundamental role, and the hairstylist
                                                                                        who was the main prompter,
                                                                                        can continue to do that…
                                                                                        after having acknowledged
                                                                                        the input from consumers.
                                                                                        The ‘Curl me up’ line is part of the
                                                                                        Nouvelle brand, addressing a very
                                                                                        important segment which is that of curly
                                                                                        hair. We did a targeted photo shoot
                                                                                        to show the hairstylists all the types of
                                                                                        hair linked to this topic. Using a chart
                                                                                        as a guide, we identified six hair types,
                                                                                        and for each one suggested a routine
                                                                                        to follow, according to the objective
                                                                                        to be reached. Wavy or curly, there is
                                                                                        a targeted solution. The Curl me up
                                                                                        products are specially developed to
                                                                                        be functional yet delicate. Once again
            expresses the uniqueness of each client.   The colours used for the backgrounds   science and nature go hand in hand.
            The trend of customization is achieved   are soft and highlight the hairstyles.   Important raw materials such as jojoba
            through a personal approach to        The hair is not sharply sculpted, nor   oil, quinoa seed extract, rice amino
            routines. For all our lines, we have   fake, as was sometimes done in the past.   acids and Vitamin E are used to hydrate
            a twofold formulistic approach. The   Each brand has a precise identity of its   and protect the hair and scalp.
            first concerns sustainability, and the   own and can identify the parameters
            use of suitable and contemporary      through which to express this which is   EM: Let’s ask Simone Sighinolfi
            raw materials. The second is the      the first job to be done, achieved by   about what giannandrea’s
            sensory approach which plays on       looking for information which leads   arrival at HSA means.
            two fundamental aspects, the texture   me to express my ‘point of view’ on   SIMoNE SIgHINoLFI: The company
            and the fragrances. Both for Esla and   what will be the future approach: the   worked for a couple of years on
            Nouvelle, we are inspired by the      next “now”, we move the clock’s hands   the rebranding of Nouvelle and
            world of niche fragrances, to give an   forward a little, but not too much. In   Eslablondex, which then became Esla.
            olfactory signature to each brand.    Esla the women are modern, confident,   At a concept level, the positioning
            The choice, courageous both in terms   effortlessly beautiful, already ‘wow’ in   and the image of the brand, led to
            of development and investments,       their natural way of being beautiful.   the creation of distinctive and unique
            allows us to stand out in a very crowded   We took inspiration from the     personalities, which had to be given
            market. The two brands, both for the   photographers of the 1970s           a creative output to create a concept
            clientele to which they correspond, and   and 80s, who used classic lighting   of woman in line with what had been
            the packaging and the type of formula,   to highlight the work of designers   conceived. Through Giannandrea, we
            convey the maximum expression of      such as Armani and Valentino.         were able to transfer the values of the
            creativity and uniqueness.            The hair and the products are in perfect   two brands, creating a new capital of
                                                  allingment with the mood of the brand.   communication materials to use at the
            EM: giannandrea, what is the                                                Point of Sale, on social media channels
            concept of beauty for Esla?           EM: Let’s talk about Nouvelle…        and for the consumer. Driven by the
            gM: The Esla woman is modern and      gM: Nouvelle has a completely different   need to lay solid foundations for our
            sophisticated but not intimidating.   mood : it expresses energy, salon,    brands, with Giannandrea we decided
            We will never speak about exclusivity   colour, bleaching. My job was to express   not to speak about collections but the
            but rather a world enclosed in        everything that the brand has built up   ‘brand’. Ours are very precise concepts
            a warm embrace. Attention is paid     over time through the imagery.        which correspond to each brand,
            to every detail in the images which   We worked on five models, five        without ever forgetting that we are
            are enveloping and natural.           types of women where each             almost obsessive about coherence.
                                                                                                                Claudia Stagno

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