P. 27


                                                  EM: Can you remind us what the        of luxury for consumers is synonymous
                                                  brands are?                           with performance and technology.
                                                  SS: Nouvelle, Esla, Silky, Addmino-18,   For about three or four years now, hair
                                                  Toujours and Guudcure. Our business   luxury has been growing, through some
                                                  strategy is not just to focus on a series   well-known brands with a fairly high
                                                  of products, but ‘the brand’. Through   price point. The strategy of Esla is to
                                                  this approach, which we pursued for   position itself within this segment, which
                                                  some time and have now implemented,   is not yet saturated, where guaranteed
                                                  we are receiving very positive feedback   high quality doesn’t translate into a high
                                                  from international distributors. Proof of   price point. It is a new brand, which is
                                                  this is that the ‘pricing’ factor is not at   what the market is looking for.
                                                  the top of the list during negotiations.   Nouvelle, on the other hand, expresses
                 SImONE SIghINOLFI                Importance is given to the value of the   pure rigour, design and science, based
             CHIEF COMMERCIAL OFFICER             brand, its story and its communication.  on an artistic concept, which is inspired
               OF THE BRAND DIVISION                                                    by the world of art. The approach is
                                                  EM: An important turning-point        more intellectual and symbolic with
                                                  for the HSA brands, which             a great story to tell, starting from the
            EM: We ask Simone Sighinolfi, Chief   deserves recognition.                 packaging, where everyone can find a
            Commercial Officer of the Brand       SS: And we will showcase it at an     connection, an emotion, to identify with.
            Division, who joined HSA a few        international event which we will
            months ago, which are the main        organize in September, dedicated      EM: Does the rebranding
            objectives he intends to focus on.    to current partners as well as        also concern the formulas?
            SIMoNE SIgHINoLFI: The main task      potential new partners.               SS: We are rationalizing all the lines,
            that has been assigned to me is to    The conference will focus on the Italian   according to a precise brand/product
            identify opportunities for growth, as   identity and the expertise of HSA   architecture. By the end of next year
            well as supervising and optimizing    presenting this concept in all its aspects,   we will have concluded all the formula
            daily operations, guaranteeing that   leading the way through education,    rebranding. We are taking a major step
            the brands maintain their standards   information and emotion.              forward in terms of sustainability, ethics
            of excellence, which clients in over   The event will take place in Varese,   and performance. We are building lines
            90 countries around the world are     where our company is based,           with specific products which combine
            accustomed to, adapting effectively   a city called ‘the garden of Italy.’  with the most versatile products, so that
            to the needs of an increasingly       This is definitely the most suitable   each consumer can utilise these in their
            global and competitive market.        location to express  the DNA of HSA.  own customized routine. The multi-
                                                                                        functional products are the ‘heroes’
            EM: Where do you pinpoint these       EM: Which strategies are you          because they are quick and easy to use
            opportunities?                        adopting for the brand?               and guarantee a multitude of benefits.
            SS: They are everywhere of course,    SS: Esla was conceived to enter the   The new concept is: back to basics.
            it’s up to us to read the signals and   luxury segment, with a premium price   Proof of this is given by Every you,
            bring forth our proposals, which      positioning. First in fashion and beauty,   the most recent line by Nouvelle; its
            vary according to the needs of the    and now in the hair sector, the concept   name in itself speaks of inclusivity, and
            different types of consumers on
            the various international markets.
            My strategic vision sees an inseparable
            association between the three
            sectors of R & D, marketing and sales.
            Our sales team is growing, in order
            to grasp the opportunities in the
            various areas of development.
            The market has become complex
            in recent years and each geographic
            area requires a targeted approach both
            in terms of what we have to offer as
            well as the most suitable distribution
            channels for our brands.

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