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                                                  on the hairdryer body, the Antibacterial   long life tool and to the customer,to get
                                                  treatment which is done by a          the best hair service ever in very short
                                                  special silver powder vernishing.     times. Opposite to what you may think,
                                                  A new nozzle “SLIM” and a new concept,   the choice of the correct hairdryer in
                                                  patented filter allow to dry hair, beard   the men hairdressing is important such
                                                  and moustaches in a easier, creative   as in the lady hairdressing; consider for
                                                  way. These hairdryers are available   example, the cable lenght that has to be
                                                  in different colorful versions to meet   long enough to turn around the barber
                                                  any personal tastes and any hair salon   seats which generally are bigger than
                                                  furniture. I personally prefer the new   the other hair salon armchairs.
                                                  color version available for the Parlux   Ergonomics, safe and lightweight, a
                                                  DIGITALyON® model, the Glitter Grey   prompt response to the temperature
                                                  but I also like the Blue, Silver,     variations and a balanced, equal
                                                  Anthracite versions which are         air flow able to dry hair without
                                                  especially devoted to the different   drying it too much, are some of
                                                  barber shops present in Italy.        the main, important technical
            let you obtain very quick and                                               features a hairdryer should present.
            silent dryings. Among the other       EM: In what way these two             I found all this in the Parlux ALyON®
            technical features of these haidryers,   Parlux products make the daily     and Parlux DIGITALyON® hairdryers;
            the systems “AIR IONIZER TECH”,       work in salon easier and which        real concentrates of innovation
            emitting negative ions eliminating    are the results on the technical      and technology bound to
            the static electricity while making   services proposed to customers?       the great, Parlux tradition.
            the hair soft and brilliant; the l’HFS   Dz: With no doubt, they are two    As said before, all the technical
            (Hair Free System (Patent Pending),   exceptional, indispensable working    features of the Parlux hairdryers are
            the exceptional inner device which,   tools which make our job easier.      especially appreciated also during
            put on the intake of the hairdryer    Quickness and quality for an efficient   training courses or at backstages of
            catches and keeps the hair for a cleaner   drying of any hair and beard type allow   shooting sets, or again, on the live
            tool thus protecting efficiency and   any hairstylist to express their own   shows of many hair shows or Ladies”
            working life over time; in addition,   creativity being sure to use a reliable,   and “Men” hairdressing competitions.

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