P. 42
VItALFArco HAIr coSmetIcS
An excellence in
the hair industry
since 1969,
among the Italian
leaders in the
of hair bleaching
and hair dyes
professional hairdressers products that exceed expectations,
further qualifying their professionalism and talent in the eyes
of customers. For this reason, the whole production cycle
is monitored at all stages of product processing, from the
selection of ingredients to the final packaging. Cutting-edge
technology and artisan expertise come together, allowing us
to achieve the highest quality standards, as certified by the
UNI EN ISO 22716:2008 standard. The chemical laboratory, in
collaboration with university departments, constantly deals with
research and development as well as product quality control.
Dozens of tests are performed daily in the internal technical
room, while training courses are held regularly within Vitalfarco’s
academy for the correct use of the products. With more than
60 countries served and a global distribution network, the
company can count on a solid and innovative structure, able
to guarantee a service of absolute excellence both for its own
brands and for private label, flagship of the business.
With over 50 years of experience in the
hair care sector, Vitalfarco Hair Cosmetics
ranks among the Italian leaders in the
production of hair bleaches and dyes,
exporting all over the world its know-
how in the formulation of cutting-edge
treatments for hairstyling professionals.
Developed on an area of approximately
20.000 square meters, with headquarters
on the outskirts of Milan, the company
currently boasts an internal laboratory for
R&D activities, three production sites with
an annual capacity of 40 million pieces,
two warehouses for the storage of raw
materials and finished products and two
academies for professional training activities.
At Vitalfarco, the entire business is based
on a clear and simple mission: to guarantee