Page 116 - EM - Export Magazine Perfumery Edition
P. 116



                             THE PERFUME OF THE METAVERSE

                             In  perfect  harmony  with  the  theme  of  the  most  But what is the metaverse?
                             recent Pitti Fragranze perfumery exhibition in    The metaverse is a universe beyond the physical
                             Florence “Reinvented Perception”, Agarthi was     world, where both the virtual and digital space come
                             featured in the opening lecture where it was      together, and it is possible to interact. It is related
                             explained why it is considered the perfume of the   to the advancement of virtual reality technology
                             metaverse.                                        because of the growing need for immersion. The
                                                                               aim  was  to  make  use  of  A.I  -  Artificial  Intelligence,
                                                                               precisely  because  if  there  is  something  difficult  to
                                                                               share and transmit, it is a scent. It is well known that
                                                                               perfume is the most powerful sense to translate and
                                                                               make meaning of the word “immersive”. The world
                                                                               of Agarthi was conceived from the hollow Earth
                                                                               theory, the invisible pathways to a secret world
                                                                               always hidden in the most remote and unreachable
                                                                               places on the Earth’s surface, but still connected by
                                                                               tunnels to every corner of the globe. This has been
                                                                               the subject of several novels and tales in literature
                                                                               and that enchanted world became the inspiration
                                                                               for the Agarthi Scent Core fragrances.

                                                                               A real and immersive world
                                                                               The architect of the scented metaverse created

             fragrances from the most                                          the  world  of  their Agarthi,  which  was  made  even
                                                                               more  real  and  immersive  by  designing  the  scents
             remote and unreachable places                                     of these realms. This project is not only a two- or
                                                                               three-dimensional visual interpretation but a fourth
             in the core of the Earth                                          dimension is added, linked to the fourth sense of
                                                                               smell: the fragrances.

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