Page 117 - EM - Export Magazine Perfumery Edition
P. 117


          Thanks to the use of Artificial Intelligence   The glow  of a burning core  sphere  Behind Agarthi scent Core
          highly  evocative  images  have  been   beyond the opalescent mist is pursued,   Agarthi Scent Core is  the result  of an
          created. Starting from the sea is a natural   where day and night mingle. Sparkling   eclectic  group  of  professionals  lead  by
          beginning, the journey to Agarthi starts   diamonds make inroads through its   Aquacosmetics, boasting many years of
          with a shipwreck to hidden shores, as   rocky  crust,  crystals.  A  line  of  floating   experience in marketing, design, and artistic
          the  protagonist  of  this  exploration.  The   lands slowly rises, chiselling the horizon   perfumery, and each brought their own
          fury of the waves is braved under stormy   as far as the eye can see. Clods of   knowledge and experience. Each partner
          skies until the inevitable shipwreck lands   continents lost in the air stand out in   and supplier did not limit themselves in
          on  mysterious hidden shores. Once     the soft purple light of this timeless   creation but went beyond it, and this allowed
          at  the  top  of  these  impervious  cliffs,  a   place, alabaster carved cities gleaming   the project to become real #agarthilegacy.
          mysterious woodland is revealed.       at  the  summit. The roar of waterfalls
                                                 leads to a pond of aquatic particles, rising
                                                 like a nebula. Rich  garlands and  lichens
                                                 lap  at  the  banks  and  leafy  roots  and
                                                 dew-covered  flowers  join  the  hypnotic
                                                 chant of the waterways spell, in a lush
                                                 lost paradise. As Agarthi  is a fantasy
                                                 and imaginary world, there was the urge
                                                 that this project had to be sharable with
                                                 everyone and this has been deemed
                                                 successful,  thanks  also  to  A.I.  through
                                                 which  spectacular  inventive  images
                                                 have been created based on Agarthi
                                                 storytelling. Just as a painter turn oils and
                                                 colours into an image, A.I. was used to
                                                 amplify this journey to its best.

          The Agarthi collection takes us to the “scent core” of this alternate   generations. Maison Mane has also developed a patented,
          universe, drawing a map of wonders spanning dreamscapes in   revolutionary eco-extraction technology called Jungle Essence™
          a secluded enchanting world. The greatest noses of the French   to produce odorous molecule extracts  of  exceptional  quality
          Maison MANE responded enthusiastically to Agarthi’s call,   and  purity while preserving  the olfactory properties of  the
          shaping a fragrant project with fantastic contours. The MANE   original raw materials. The creators of the fragrances are Cécile
          perfumers selected the most distinctive raw materials in its   Matton for Hidden  Shores, Mathieu  Nardin  for Burning  Core,
          portfolio to create Agarthi fragrances, meeting sustainability   Serge Majoullier for Floating Lands, and Alex Lee for Waterways
          criteria and adopting a conscious sourcing system: a social   Spell, all from Mane.
          partnership  programme  that  supports  the  development  of                Aquacosmetics -worldwide manufacturer
          local resources and the protection of biodiversity for future          and distributor of Agarthi @agarthi_scentcore
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