Page 122 - EM - Export Magazine Perfumery Edition
P. 122


                             LuCE DI


                             iTALiAN LUXURY sKiNCARe

                                                                               the  pharmaceutical  and  nutraceutical  fields,
                                                                               has  dedicated  herself  personally  to  product
                                                                               development  and  quality  assurance,  believing  that
                                                                               the real secret of beauty lies precisely in nature and
                                                                               its infinite and fascinating resources. Her family has
                                                                               been  passionately  dedicated  to  growing  Sorrento
                                                                               lemons since 1923.  “The knowledge of nature is
                                                                               something that has been handed down for generations.”
                                                                               Her  innate  passion  for  lemons  and  their  infinite
                                                                               properties, combined with her scientific training and
                                                                               experience accumulated over years of research and
                                                                               development has led to the creation of an exclusive
                                                                               line, aimed at women who choose beauty products
                                                                               in which quality is combined with effectiveness.

                                                                               Natural ingredient for
                                                                               advanced neurocosmetics
                                                                               It all began in Sorrento, the Land of the Sirens, in
                                                                               the heart of lemon and olive groves along slopes
                                                                               and terraces sloping down to the sea. Here the land
                                                       Giovanna Adelizzi, The founder  meets the sea in an indissoluble bond with Beauty,
          from the skin to the brain:                                          contained in all Luce di Sorrento products. In the
                                                                               laboratories, the essential oil is extracted through
          Cosmetics of happiness                                               a slow  extraction  process by steam distillation
                                                                               from  the  peels  of  Sorrento  lemons, creating  very
                                                                               innovative Neurocosmetic  formulas,  capable  of
                             Luce  di  Sorrento  is  the  result  of  a  long  research   combining high-end cosmetic research with natural
                             project by Giovanna Adelizzi, founder of the brand, is   active  ingredients,  to  create  unique  and  effective
                             a functional cosmetics project applying the principles   cosmetic  solutions.  LemonLux ,  LemonLight   and
                             of Neurocosmetic to skin treatments, thereby proving   Light-C  Liposomes are inspired by the most recent
                             beneficial  to  mind  and  skin  thanks  to  a  holistic   scientific  and  technological  discoveries,  exploiting
                             approach,  to  create  an  innovative  and  high-quality   the intense natural antioxidant and hydrating action
                             beauty treatment that helps counteract the effects of   of  Sorrento  lemons,  leaving  facial  skin  incredibly
                             time, for a visibly younger and more radiant skin.   luminous, carrying out an unexpected aromatherapy
                             A new Light to your face and time disappears.     action that releases the relieves anxiety and stress,
                             Giovanna  Adelizzi,  after  a  long  experience  in   thanks to the delicate scent of Sorrento lemon.

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