Page 128 - EM - Export Magazine Perfumery Edition
P. 128


                           IN ASTRA


                                                                               of the universe, which through astronomy reveals its
                                                                               most hidden secret. For us, the stars are a constant
                                                                               source of inspiration, their evolution encloses a poetic
                                                                               and  intimate  dimension,  like  a  fragrance  which  has
                                                                               the capacity to surprise and awaken the senses, to be
                                                                               carried out amid memories and to create new ones.

                                                                               EM: The stars are the leitmotif of your creations.
                                                                               Can you explain to us how your journey is evolving
                                                                               from a conceptual and olfactory point of view?
                                                                               The In Astra creative process always starts with the
                                                                               choice of the star, whose story we want to tell. At the
                                                                               base there is a careful research into the star and
                                                                               its  characteristics,  of  its  position  in  the  period  of
                                                                               observation. All this information helps us to understand
                                                                               its being. The creative process takes shape from

                                expoRt magaZine speaks                         here: the notes are united into harmonious accords
                                                                               constructed with raw materials which at times are
                                to Fabiola and SoFia                           contrasting, which form the essence of a unique and

                                bardelli sisteRs                               inimitable symphony.

                                behind the in aStra label,
                                an exploRation of

                                the bond between

                                staRs and fRagRance

                             EXPORT MAGAZINE: what were the main reasons
                             that led you to create your creative atelier and
                             then your brand?
                             The In Astra brand was the result of the decision to
                             enrich the olfactory panorama and to accompany the
                             consumer  on  an  introspective  and  unique  journey.
                             Our  main  aim  is  to  offer  an  olfactory  translation  of
                             the  intrinsic  bond  between  art  and  science:  In  Astra
                             is an artistic interpretation, a tribute to the marvels

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