Page 133 - EM - Export Magazine Perfumery Edition
P. 133


          EM:  it was a challenge you could not lose,      and, if validated, it was added to the existing range.
          considering you command of the subject and your
          clear ideas on what to do …                      EM: In your opinion, what gave a turning point to
          GR: Indeed, after 43 years we are still here doing the   your career? At a certain point, you became known
          same ‘trade’! The kitchen table has expanded to cover   first in your area and then throughout Italy…
          8,000 square metres of a factory andm from the pasta   GR:  In addition  to  my  stubbornness as a  young
          saucepan  we  have  gone  to  production  systems  from   graduate who wanted to prove that she had chosen
          300-1000-3000 kg!                                the right path, I have to admit that I was very lucky.
                                                           In  the  first  place  because  of  meeting  Prof.  Proserpio,
          EM: From many aspects you were a forerunner;     my mentor, who always encouraged me when it was a
          from the very start you realized the importance   question of making important decisions, from opening
          of having direct contact with the consumer,      my shop/laboratory in Turin. I was given great help
          moreover your brand bears your own name…         by some journalists. Simonetta Conti wrote an article
          GR: That’s right, I believed it was important to establish   ‘made to measure beauty’ and lots of clients rushed ot
          a relationship of trust with my clients. Many products,   buy the personalized cosmetics I proposed. Magazines
          which are still in the catalogue today, came into being   wrote about my ‘Basket of vanities’ where I put together
          from  the  experience  of  the  formulator  talking  to   a selection of products and, especialy in the Christmas
          consumers, listening to their needs. The new product   period, this initiative, new for the time, was very
          was tested by several consumers with the same problems   successful.

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