Page 138 - EM - Export Magazine Perfumery Edition
P. 138

beauty forecasts. From a long-range,   power of  color to act on  physical,    sadness,  tension,  and  distress.  Then,
          five-year  outlook  to  a  here-and-now   mental, emotional, and energetic levels.   the biosensors trigger the release of a
          perspective, we forecast consumer      By massaging pressure points on the     personalized  cloud  of  scent  designed
          shifts, cross-category trends, and ideate   head  and  body, a chromotherapeutic   to improve the wearer’s well-being at
          concepts to guide our clients in product   tool’s  color  emits  vibrations  that  the optimal moment. The temporary,
          development and marketing strategy.    propagate  with  a  resonance  effect  and   biosensor digital tattoo adheres to the
          Analyzing  what consumers want today   trigger  hormones such as  dopamine,    skin with water and lasts for seven days.
          and what they will look for tomorrow, our   endorphins, serotonin, and oxytocin. This
          team  of  expert  analysts  have  predicted   creates a sense of enhanced happiness,  HeALTH-NURTURiNG:
          some of the product concepts we can    health, and well-being. Each color offers  A wHOLesOMe
          expect to see hitting the market of    different effects that act on both physical  APPROACH TO BeAUTY
          cognitive wellness.                    and mental levels.                      Consumers  have  long  understood  that
                                                                                         there  are  true  beauty  and  well-being
                                                 Wearable Fragrance                      benefits  to  taking  a  holistic  approach  to
                                                 Temporary Tattoos                       health. This movement is expected to
                                                 Digital  and   biometric   technology,  scale up in the coming years, driven by an
                                                 olfactory research, and neuroscience    increasing  number  of  aging  populations,
                                                 now all combine to create new ways      limited  access  to  health  care  in  some
                                                 of  experiencing  scents.  This  new    regions, and imbalanced diets. There is
                                                 technology makes it possible to awaken   an opportunity for health and beauty
                                                 emotions, connecting wellness and       supplements to compensate for the effect
                                                 scent.  Fragrance  industry  research   of poor diets, and to help consumers
                                                 proves that fragrances can affect mood,   to live longer and healthier lives. Other
                                                 boost  productivity,  change  physiology,   territories to watch are skin health
                                                 aid sleep, and modify human behavior.   devices and  trackers, as this market  is
                                                 Fragrance is increasingly being used as a   forecasted  to  benefit  from  double-
                                                 wellness tool to modulate emotions and   digit growth, alongside personalized
                                                 mental health. Wearable tech solutions   products and experiences as well as
                                                 promise to open to a whole new world of   brain training, another fast-growing
                                                 possibilities for personalized fragrances,   category that expands physical health
          Chromotherapy for Mind and Body        ways  of  monitoring  mental  health, and   toward  intellectual  health.  Today  as  part
          As consumers become more health-       improving well-being. The future of     of this movement, brands are tapping into
          conscious, they are adopting a more    olfactory-enhanced wellbeing may be in   treatments that draw on ancestral and
          holistic approach  to  their physical,   the form of temporary tattoos embedded   holistic medicine, from adaptogenic herbs
          emotional,  and  mental  well-being.  With   with  wearable  motion  sensors,  which   to  super-ingredient  actives,  to  taking
          this  in  mind,  consumers  are  turning  to   detect and monitor the user’s emotional   inspiration from the phases of the moon,
          lifestyle and mindfulness habits that   state. Working as an emotional tracker   to create a feeling of well-being and being
          nourish the mind, body, and soul.      that monitors vital signs, it indicates the   grounded in one’s body.
          The practice of color therapy, which uses   user’s moods such as joy, contentment,
          the frequency and vibrations of color, can                                     Traditional Chinese Medicine:
          be traced back to ancient Egypt, Greece,                                       Ancestry Meets Modernity
          China, and India.                                                              As part of the holistic beauty movement,
          This therapy has effects not only on the                                       brands   are   integrating  ancestrally
          mind, mood, and cognitive function but                                         recognized  ingredients  to   modern
          can  also take on  an  integral  role in  the                                  science  to  create  efficacious  and  health-
          healing of mental and physical ailments.                                       enhancing  beauty  allies. Beauty brand
          This  concept   sees   colored  light                                          Karuna launched its Balancing Collection
          therapy  re-emerge  as  a  contemporary                                        at Whole Foods in the United States in
          alternative  therapy.  As  a  therapeutic                                      February of last year, and its collection
          tool, chromotherapy harnesses the                                              draws   on    Ayurveda,   adaptogens,

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