Page 143 - EM - Export Magazine Perfumery Edition
P. 143

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          Most analysts concur that future success in travel retail depends   over two years.  As well  as SIM  cards, Orange also has mobile
          upon the following factors: a sharper focus on operational   banking services which are very important to African consumers.
          efficiencies  for  sustainability,  creating  immersive  retail   In the two-year process of visiting airports and talking to their
          experiences that blend the virtual and real world, and meeting   operators, I discovered that the duty-free business could be doing
          consumers where they are on or offline. Indeed, much is written   better....Orange opened a door for me. Then, one of the biggest
          about the larger travel retail markets, such as Asia. Yet, when it   beauty  players  in  the  industry  contacted  me  and  explained  the
          comes to the travel retail landscape in Africa, little is known. And   reorganization they were planning for Africa. It was L’Oréal and we
          this is likely due to the fact that the market is small.    signed an agreement for travel retail distribution in Africa. I had
          While duty-free and travel retail sales grew, in Africa sales   already  built a  27-strong  perfumes and cosmetics team.  Today,
          were reported at just over US$800  million  in  2018  (Source:   Africa represents a market of 5 billion in Fragrance sales.”
          Generation Research). Given the region’s population (in relative
          terms, 1.3 billion in 2018 Source: Worldometers) this was a                  On  the African  continent, Beaute Luxe
          small fraction of the potential. By comparison, the neighboring              set up a call and collect system with local
          Middle East region with a population of 411 million (including               telephone operators. Customers can
          Egypt) generated over US$6.3 billion in sales in the same year.              connect themselves on an app or a website
          In fact, only 2% of African travelers are high spenders.                     at  home  to  look  at  what  products  are
                                                                                       available so they can make an order, then
          Despite   these    factors,                                                  the product will be ready and waiting for
          David  Dayan  Founder  and                                  them  at  the  airport. To  support  the  economy  and  retailers,
          President of Beaute Luxe,                                   they  offered  payment  maturity  plans  (up  to  12  months)  and
          decided to penetrate the                                    micro-credit arrangements.
          market. One of travel retail’s
          serial  entrepreneurs  and                                  In another interview, Dayan explained further: “Though Africa is
          best-known   personalities,                                 still a fragmented travel retail market, it’s resilient. Africa was the
          Dayan successfully helped                                   continent least affected by Covid (except for South Africa). We have
          to introduce many brands                                    hired four area managers to ensure solid coverage of the whole of
          into the travel- retail channel,                            Africa. This was important so that we could run animations and
          including Lacoste, La Maison                                pop-ups quickly and efficiently for L’Oréal, which created special
          du  Chocolat,  Lancel,  Nuxe,                               collections for Africa based on skin tones. Our job is to develop
          Rituals,  Vilebrequin,  and  David Dayan CEO Beaute Luxe    those, with a focus on the brands Maybelline and L’Oréal Paris to
          more. When entering Africa,                                 start with before moving on to the luxury brands in the portfolio.”
          he partnered with L’Oréal. Dayan hoped it will be a catalyst for
          improving the poor travel retail sales to population ratio that has    Dayan explains why he doesn’t think Africa is as risky as it may
          existed in Africa. Dayan recruited several key names, including   seem: “There is more risk in the local market. People don’t buy
          familiar travel retail stalwarts. They include Vice President of   there because they worry that products may be fake but they trust
          Sales Jerome Blanchard (20 years in the channel with Gucci, Duty-  the airport environment. This makes things interesting… I wouldn’t
          Free Americas and Rémy Cointreau); Marketing Director Corinne   say risky. In fact, foreign direct investment in Africa is rising. The
          Berger (15 years in travel retail with Lacoste, Groupe ADP, and   Chinese have invested US$18 billion in the continent. When seven
          LVMH); and Brand Manager Edith Chapelle Petit (founder of   new Chinatowns opened in Africa, Chinese traveler numbers
          Tintamar). Today the company is based in the Jebel Ali Free Zone   multiplied at least threefold.”
          of Dubai, and operates in 37 countries in Africa. Its presence
          (primarily as a distributor of luxury beauty brands) is not only   Indeed, Africa  as  a travel  retail  market seems  under-
          made in duty-free shops, but also through 3000 partnering   appreciated. If current trends continue, arrivals on the
          pharmacies in the region. Dayan reports that Beaute Luxe is in   continent  are  expected  to  reach  134  million  by  2030.  Dayan
          contact  with  all  the  major  retailers,  such  as  Dufry,  Lagardère   has often attested to the fact that GDP and average salary in
          Travel Retail, and Heinemann, as well as the local retailers.   African countries is rising and with 380 million consumers, it is
                                                                      a continent ripe with potential.
          In an interview, Dayan explained how he decided Africa was
          his next big opportunity: “With Orange [the French telecoms   Beaute Luxe is present on three continents. And has a
          giant],  we  introduced  34  airport  doors  in  21  countries  in  Africa   foundation that disperses hygiene kits to African villages.

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