Page 147 - EM - Export Magazine Perfumery Edition
P. 147

R R  E E  P P   O O  R R  T T

          KEy STATISTICS                                              CALL OuT QuOTE:
                                                                      “Having  counterfeit  products  on  the  market  can
                                                                      really  impact a  brand’s reputation and the trust of
                                                                      its customers...if a customer receives a product that
                                                                      doesn’t work, they’re more likely to blame the brand’s
                                                                      manufacturing than to question whether it’s fake.”
                                                                                    - Daniel Shapiro, Vice President of Red Points -

                                                                      Recent Seizures of Counterfeit beauty
                                                                      We hear more and more of counterfeit cosmetics seizures.
                                                                      For example, in the eastern city of Taizhou, Chinese police
                                                                      seized a massive load of counterfeit cosmetics from several
                                                                      underground hubs that had a combined street value of $120
                                                                      million in 2017. Some of the counterfeit brands included
                                                                      Chanel, Christian Dior, L’Oreal SA’s Lancome, and Estée
                                                                      In April 2018, the Anti-Piracy Unit was informed that some
                                                                      vendors  in  Santee  Alley  (in  Los  Angeles)  were  suspected
                                                                      of selling counterfeit makeup, so the police purchased
                                                                      several products, and tested them in an undercover
                                                                      operation.  All  the  products  turned  out  to  be  fake,  with
                                                                      high levels of animal waste and bacteria. The police seized
                                                                      cosmetic  products  worth  $700K.  That  same  year,  the
                                                                      Local Government Association in London also uncovered
                                                                      hundreds  of  thousands  of  pounds  worth  of  fake  beauty
                                                                      products of popular brands, including Chanel, MAC, and
                                                                      Benefit. The chemicals found in several of the counterfeit
                                                                      goods were said to cause chemical burns and skin rashes;
                                                                      some products also contained mercury, a highly toxic
            harmful Ingredients, poor Quality, &                      Statistics from the IP Crime and Enforcement Report state
            waning Customer Confidence                                that 10,162 cosmetic products alone were seized by Border
            Most harmful cosmetics are manufactured in China and      Force and Trading Standards in the UK in 2019, with perfume
            shipped around the world through third-party sites like   reaching a staggering 37,078.
            eBay, Amazon, and Alibaba. Fake cosmetics products        In January 2020, the LAPD seized more than $300,000 in
            are typically  created  in  non-sterile, unhygienic, illegal   counterfeit makeup products mimicking Kylie Jenner’s
            laboratories that don’t meet legitimate products’ safety   company Kylie Cosmetics.
            Lead is one of the most dangerous ingredients used in
            counterfeit products. Counterfeit MAC lipsticks have      why E-Commerce
            been found to contain more than 300 times the permitted   fuels Counterfeit Cosmetics
            levels of lead. Government investigations have found      The  growth  in  counterfeit  makeup  products  is  further
            fraudulent cosmetics containing known carcinogens such    exacerbated  by  the  proliferation  of  online  third-party
            as arsenic, beryllium, and cadmium; others have exhibited   marketplaces. In June 2000, only 22 percent of Americans
            high levels of toxic heavy metals like lead and mercury.   reported having made an online purchase compared to 79
            As a result of the use of these dangerous ingredients, the   percent in December 2016, according to the Pew Research
            U.S. Food and Drug Administration received nearly 12,000   Center. This transformation is reflected in the sheer size of
            instances of consumers reporting adverse effects tied to   the retail e-commerce business, which reported $3.5 trillion
            cosmetics from January 2018 to March 2020.                in worldwide sales in 2019 and is projected to nearly double
                                                                      by 2023.

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