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          marketplaces like Amazon and others.”
          In markets such as Iraq (where the prevalence of counterfeit
          brands is a major issue due to the lack of official regulation), the
          technology could be game-changing. In Iraq, the prevalence of
          counterfeit brands creates very high levels of consumer distrust
          regarding the authenticity and origins of products and brands
          available. In addition to the lack of official regulation regarding
          imports  and  distribution  of  branded  products,  the  lack  of
          investment on the part of global brand owners also plays a role
          in augmenting customer distrust. In fact, most multinational
          corporations within the global beauty and personal care industry
          remain hesitant to invest substantially in establishing operations
          in Iraq. But all this is expected to change. Laava’s technology
          represents a new horizon in anti-counterfeit measures for such
          multinational companies in especially these types of markets.
          The pricing structure is published on Laava’s website and plans
          start at $299.USD/month. The full enterprise solution and   specific inks means that if there is a problem with the supply of
          support tools are about $1000.USD/month. Needless to say that   the ink, there will be a knock-on effect on the brand’s ability to
          for high-end luxury brands with a serious counterfeit problem,   supply their goods to their customers. Not only will a disruption
          the price is more than affordable.                          like this create monetary issues, but the brand’s reputation
          Laava is one company that uses specialized ink and images as a   will suffer as well. If this issue is a persistent one, the brand’s
          defense against counterfeiting. Its solutions can’t be copied or   reputation may never recover.
          spoofed; nor do they pose some of the problems that usually   Expiration: Brands who use security and  taggant inks as a
          go with taggant ink technology, such as the need for a separate   form  of  anti-counterfeiting  need  to  inquire  about  the  inks’
          handheld device. Both Laava’s Invisible Smart Fingerprint   expiration, in other words, when and if they may no longer be
          solution (visible) Smart Fingerprints can be scanned using any   legible (whether to the naked eye or via their specific special
          smartphone  running  iOS  or  Android.  The  company’s  ink  has   detectors).
          no  special  storage  requirements,  nor  does  it  contain  known   Toxicity: Security inks are unique chemical compounds, and
          toxins or non-recyclable components ingredients. Furthermore,   depending  on  the  specific  ink,  brands  need  to  ensure  that
          Laava’s ink doesn’t expire or become unreadable.            these inks used are non-toxic.
          That said, not all companies offering anti-counterfeit measures   Necessity  of  secure  &  careful  storage:  To  guard  against  the
          using  specialized  taggant  ink  are  equal.  Brands  must  know   risk of tampering or duplication of the anti-counterfeiting inks,
          what problems can be encountered before choosing a brand-   they must be stored with the utmost secrecy and security. If
          protection  partner  offering  packaging-based  solutions  for   people can’t get to the goods, it follows that they generally
          counterfeit. Below is a list of discussion points for brands when   can’t counterfeit them. Furthermore, security and taggant inks
          evaluating potential partners.                              are not always as robust as expected to heat and moisture.
                                                                      They can break down and degrade, becoming unreadable. This
          problems commonly encountered                               means that the brand using them needs to store them carefully
          with the use of taggant inks                                to prevent that degradation while at the same time worrying
          Requirement  of  a  specific  device:  High-level  covert  solutions   about replacing products that have degraded, whether before
          will  contain  some  form of  taggant  ink  that  is  only  visible  or   or after they’re in the hands of customers.
          detectable through  more sophisticated  hand-held  readers.   Recyclability: Security inks can often render paper goods that
          Taggant inks require the brand using them to own a specific   would otherwise be recyclable un-recyclable. This is because
          device to view the ink markings (when they are invisible to the   all inked paper that is set to be recycled must first be de-inked.
          naked eye). In the case of taggant inks, the device in question   Certain security inks, such as UV and IR inks, require a lot more
          must read the unique chemical identity of the ink and verify it.   effort  and  special  processes  to  de-ink  than  normal  printer
          This can create the need for extra time, effort, and money to   ink. Many companies don’t want to go to the extra trouble
          procure, store, maintain, and even replace these devices.   and simply throw away goods that have been printed on with
          Problem of supply: The reliance on one supplier to provide the   security inks.

                           For more information on how IL Brand Consultancy can help you expand your brand,
                           please contact us on or visit our website at
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