Page 146 - EM - Export Magazine Perfumery Edition
P. 146

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                                                   TECh bATTLES

                                                   COuNTERfEIT GLAM!

      Valérie Kaminov is Founder and Managing Director   The counterfeit beauty industry harms the reputation of consumer cosmetics
      of the highly successful International Luxury Brand   brands by supplying the market with inferior quality products under famous brand
     Consultancy. For over 25 years Valérie has been at   labels. It reduces company sales by diverting potential customers from buying
      the forefront of the global cosmetics industry and   genuine products from official retailers. But how far-reaching is the problem and
       has worked with a vast array of luxury, premium   what solutions exist today to battle this rapidly growing trend?
        and niche beauty brands and fragrances. With
       her extensive expertise, commercial acumen and                                          The Scope of the
        practical experience IL Brand Consultancy has                                          Counterfeit problem
      become one of the most sought after management                                           According to the Organization
        and distribution agencies specialising in global                                       for   Economic    Co-operation
       beauty. Recognised for the breadth of business
                                                                                               and   Development,    cosmetics
      sectors and extensive distribution channels it works                                     are one of the top counterfeit
       with, ILBC’s international client portfolio spans                                       items produced and distributed
       both well-established names and newly-emerging                                          worldwide. As the name implies,
      brands in hair care, make-up, skincare, fragrance,
                                                                                               “counterfeit beauty products” are
       devices and top-to-toe brands. Valérie’s wealth                                         imitations  of  (usually  high-end)
       of knowledge in international growth strategies                                         well-recognised products. These
       and business development is combined with an                                            products are either passed off as
        inspirational and forward-thinking approach.
                                                                                               the real-deal, tricking customers,
      Through her exceptional insight and understanding
       of the industry Valérie has helped brands amplify                                       or they are sold to consumers
       their market reach, elevate their brand presence,                                       that know they aren’t real but
          improve their business performance and                                               believe  will  work  just  as  well.
                                                   Counterfeit products are often sold at a deeply discounted price, and although
           achieve commercial success globally.
       A further aspect of her business is her skill in brand   the items generally look like their brand-name counterparts, they are typically
       evaluation, acquisition due diligence, risk assessment    lower in quality and may contain potentially harmful ingredients.
     and commercial growth which has led Valérie to regularly   American businesses and consumers tend to be the biggest victims of
                                                   counterfeiting. American shoppers are reported to purchase the highest share of
     advise Private Equity Funds, multi-national organizations
       and financial investors. This capability in combination   counterfeit goods at around 60% to 80% of all goods sold.
       with her advanced qualifications and proficiency in   The  US  Patent  and  Trademark  Office  considers  counterfeiting  to  be  the  largest
       corporate governance have made her a much-desired   criminal enterprise in the world and predicts that fake goods will contribute $4.5
          Board Advisor and Non-Executive Director.   trillion to the global economy by 2024. The field of counterfeit cosmetics is growing
          From her CEW mentoring, organisation     at an astonishing rate of 264% yearly. The US counterfeit cosmetics market alone
      of the International Manufacturers & Distributors   is worth about $75 million. The market value represents approximately 8% of total
         Forum (IMF) and guest lecture programmes,   sales. The annual loss credited to cosmetic counterfeits is calculated to be around
            Valérie is a passionate and dynamic    $5.4 billion. In comparison, in 2020, the US cosmetics industry reached $90 billion.
          advocate of the global beauty industry.   A 7.14% increase was said to be had in the cosmetics counterfeit industry by 2023.
       Valérie splits her time between her London HQ
       and her central Paris office as well as managing
           a satellite network in Russia & China.
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