Page 142 - EM - Export Magazine Perfumery Edition
P. 142

R    E    P    O     R    T



                                                   IN AfRICA:

                                                   NOT A DESERT ANyMORE

      Valérie Kaminov is Founder and Managing Director
      of the highly successful International Luxury Brand
     Consultancy. For over 25 years Valérie has been at   Duty-free sales (both domestic and international) fell by 67% at the height of the
      the forefront of the global cosmetics industry and   pandemic. However, Euromonitor reports that the outlook for duty-free players is
       has worked with a vast array of luxury, premium   “rosy.” In fact, by 2027, overall spending on duty-free (international and domestic
        and niche beauty brands and fragrances. With   combined) is forecast to reach USD168 billion – 15% above its pre-crisis levels – with
       her extensive expertise, commercial acumen and
                                                   a return to 2019 levels expected by 2025. This amounts to incremental growth of
        practical experience IL Brand Consultancy has   USD51 billion over 2023-2027.
      become one of the most sought after management
        and distribution agencies specialising in global   Duty-Free Shopping by Region 2027
       beauty. Recognised for the breadth of business   USD million, constant 2022 rsp
      sectors and extensive distribution channels it works   90,000
       with, ILBC’s international client portfolio spans
       both well-established names and newly-emerging
      brands in hair care, make-up, skincare, fragrance,   70,000
       devices and top-to-toe brands. Valérie’s wealth
       of knowledge in international growth strategies
       and business development is combined with an   50,000
        inspirational and forward-thinking approach.
      Through her exceptional insight and understanding
       of the industry Valérie has helped brands amplify   30,000
       their market reach, elevate their brand presence,
          improve their business performance and
           achieve commercial success globally.    10,000
       A further aspect of her business is her skill in brand
       evaluation, acquisition due diligence, risk assessment    0
                                                           Asia Pacific Australasia  Eastern Europe  Latin America  Middle East  North America Weastern
     and commercial growth which has led Valérie to regularly                                     and Africa          Europe
     advise Private Equity Funds, multi-national organizations
                                                                      Inbound Duty-free Shopping  Domestic Duty-free Shopping
       and financial investors. This capability in combination
       with her advanced qualifications and proficiency in
       corporate governance have made her a much-desired
          Board Advisor and Non-Executive Director.   Definition:
          From her CEW mentoring, organisation       Duty-free is defined as sales to travelers of goods and products that are
      of the International Manufacturers & Distributors   exempt from duties and taxes (such as VAT or sales taxes), through duty-free
         Forum (IMF) and guest lecture programmes,   shops in travel locations. For VAT reclaim sales, also includes stores in non-
            Valérie is a passionate and dynamic      travel locations.
          advocate of the global beauty industry.
       Valérie splits her time between her London HQ
       and her central Paris office as well as managing
           a satellite network in Russia & China.
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