Page 140 - EM - Export Magazine Perfumery Edition
P. 140

Self-Care Defined by                   what emotions they will inspire in the   the  circadian  timing.  Working  with  the
          Intentional Rituals                    wearer. The brand notes that “scent is   sense of smell’s natural rhythm can help
          Creating  meaningful and  intentional   such a potent tool for well-being because   to resynchronize the well-being clock to
          routines has been  key  for consumers   our  sense  of  smell  is  processed  by  the   be in line with the natural circadian cycle.
          in  maintaining  their mental  health  in   part of the brain where memories are   As a means of pairing up the olfactory
          check throughout the  chaotic  last  few   made and emotions are processed,”   system and the circadian rhythm, a
          years. As a brand describing itself as   Vyrao says, adding that “at Vyrao we use   connected  home fragrance system
          “an emotionally intelligent, ritual-based   ingredients specifically chosen to weave   integrated into the ventilation  or air
          beauty brand,” Selfmade is a U.S. brand   feelings with the highest vibration into   conditioning system that emits specially
          that notes that its aim is that “through   each  scent.” Among the brand’s recent   designed  fragrance  doses  is  a  concept
          the formation of intentional habits, our   launches is its Rose Marie Candle, created   worth  noting.  Releasing  specific  scents
          product routine nurtures not only the   to inspire “self-love.” Its notes include   strategically throughout the day, this
          physical self but also inspires confidence   rose for self-love, violet leaf absolute for   concept  allies  physiological  factors with
          and worthiness.” Its three products span   self-expression, patchouli for grounding,   olfactory attributes for an all-day sense
          skin  care  to  intimate  care.  The  brand’s   and guaiac wood for energy clearing. To   of wellbeing.
          Secure Attachment Comfort Serum + is a   amplify  the  candle’s  effects,  it  includes
          hydrating serum and primer formulated   a talisman which the brand describes as   Indoor Air and Skin Purifier
          to repair skin’s moisture barrier and   being  “super  charged  with  energy”  by   Most of the air we breathe is indoors where
          address signs of skin stress. This is thanks   quantum energist Louise Mita.   we spend 90% of our lives. While pollution
          to its ingredient Cortinhib G, derived                                         outside is commonly discussed, indoor air
          from  the  helichrysum  italicum  flower,   What’s Next for the                pollution is still underestimated. Indoor
          which Selfmade says is clinically proven   Private Haven Movement?             pollution  significantly  influences  our
          to reduce cortisol levels and  reinforce   Exploring home-based concepts that   general health, affecting the lungs, throat,
          the skin’s barrier. The brand directly links   tap  into  mental  wellness  and  holistic   gut, and  eyes, but also  our  skin health.
          the serum to the psychological aspect of   beauty,  our  team  of  experts  identified   Studies found that skin aging and damage
          self-care: it says the serum is named as   opportunities worth zooming in on.  can be linked to exposure to indoor air
          it promotes secure attachment, “a.k.a.                                         pollution, resulting in skin conditions like
          a feeling  of  safety and  comfort with   Smart Home Circadian                 eczema, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, acne,
          yourself  –  and  best  of  all  your  skin.”   Fragrance System               and, in some cases, skin cancer. To filter
          Linking the internal and the external, the   Guarding our natural circadian rhythm   pollutants  from  the  spaces  where  we
          brand  points  out  that  “finding  safety  in   is important for overall health and well-  spend most of our days and improve skin
          your  emotional  world  (hint  –  exploring   being.  The  human  circadian  system is   health and beauty, all-in-one air purifying
          your  attachment  style)  will  ultimately   regulated by a master clock found in the   pods are the future of holistic beauty.
          lower levels of the stress hormone     brain which runs on a roughly 24-hour
          cortisol,” which Selfmade says translates   cycle and is reset each day according to
          to “less water loss and more hydration   lightness  and  darkness.  Sunlight  is  the
          for your skin.”                        primary signal for the body clock. The
                                                 rising of the sun tells the body and brain
          Reveling in the Scents of Home         that it is time to be awake; the setting
          London    fragrance  brand    Vyrao’s  of  the  sun  tells  the  body  it  is  time  to
          fragrances, incense, and candles are   prepare for sleep. The circadian rhythm
          created by Founder Yasmin  Sewell with   also influences the olfactory system – the
          wellness and energetic medicine in mind.   sense of smell may fluctuate in sensitivity
          The  scents  are  presented  in  terms  of   over the course of 24 hours, in tune with

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