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and counteract low mood. While spa-like
                                                 treatment centers such as Fieldtrip which
                                                 operates in  the United  States, Canada,
                                                 and Amsterdam, offer ketamine-assisted
          and Co-Executive Director of the Genome   therapy under professional supervision,
          Project-Write,  explains  that  “in the past   there’s an opportunity for psychedelics
          ten years, numerous biotechnological   – in microdoses – to make their way into
          innovations stemming from psychedelics   at-home beauty and wellness. Jennifer
          have been deemed promising.” With      Pereira, Founder of The Bloom Fund,
          mental health on the forefront of global   which “connects psychedelic healing
          conversations   today,   micro-dosed   with leadership” explains that she’d like
          psychedelics are pushing the boundaries   to see innovations such as “a fungi face
          of  cognitive wellness and  its  translation   cream infused with psilocybin that is
          into the beauty industry.              easily absorbed and could be healing    exposed to scent. Additionally, we are
                                                 from the inside out.” Among brands      100  times more likely to remember
          Microdosing: Beauty’s New Frontier     that are planning  to experiment with   something we smell over something we
          That   consumers   are   seeking   a   psychedelics is Supermush, a U.S.-based   perceive with other senses.
          psychological and spiritual dimension to   company  that  currently  offers  oral
          wellness and beauty treatments should   sprays for “energy, immunity, and  chill”   One of the brands embracing fragrance’s
          perhaps come as no surprise, against   infused with different types of functional   mood-altering abilities is Australia’s One
          the backdrop of a pandemic, war, and   mushrooms.  The  brand  has  launched   Seed perfumes. Named after emotions,
          geo-political upheaval that has left many   the  Microdosing  Collective,  a  non-profit   and explicitly linking fragrance and mood,
          feeling out of control of their lives. Indeed,   collective focused on psilocybin and   the brand’s scents look to pinpoint a scent
          as of 2020, personal care and beauty   microdosing, with  the  aim of  shaping   to an  emotion. The brand’s Hope scent
          represented $955 billion of the $4.4 trillion   U.S. public policy around microdosing   creates a feeling of “being overcome by
          global wellness economy, according to the   and wellness. “We hope to reframe a lot of   emotion at nature’s beauty; [a] sweeping
          Global Wellness Institute, indicating the   the microdosing supplements out there as   landscape of wonder and hope,” with
          intertwining of these two spheres. Alexia   wellness supplements,” Supermush’s Co-  its blend  of  blonde woods, bergamot,
          Inge, Co-Founder and Co-CEO of the     Founder Alli Schaper explains.  “A lot of   violet petals, mimosa, frankincense, and
          forward-thinking e-commerce site Cult   people think that psychedelics are going to   orris root. The Solitude eau  de parfum,
          Beauty, echoes the view that consumers   become legalized for consumer use. That’s   meanwhile, reframes alone time  by
          are seeking beauty that benefits them on   not the path. It’s only macrodoses at service   embracing it, celebrating “all that we gain
          a psychological level and expects to see a   centers. So we’re starting this microdosing   from  some  time  spent  alone.  Solitary
          shift toward “emotional beauty,” or “emo   collective to raise awareness and education   and yet at ease in the wilderness, like a
          beauty.”  “Efficacious  brands  that  market   specifically around microdosing.”  well-cared for woodland cabin. Strong,
          themselves by mood will be the hot tickets,”                                   sturdy,  comforting.”  It  combines  notes
          Inge says. “Whether through an anti-anxiety   Fragrance: A Mood-Boosting Favorite  of black pepper, dry woods, tarragon,
          CBD-infused body oil, defragging reiki-ed face   As another path to euphoria, fragrance   pale vanilla, ambrette seed, tonka bean,
          mist, energy-boosting transdermal vitamin   has always been a long-time, trusted   and orris root. And for a taste of nature’s
          patch, or spirit enhancing aromatherapeutic   friend. While the term “aromatherapy”   therapeutic,  rejuvenating  effects  in
          mask, consumers are looking to infuse   may seem esoteric and antiquated for   olfactory form, a calming forest bath is
          emotional  support  into  the  products  they   some, the sense of feeling better and   evoked in Heretic Parfum’s Dirty Hinoki
          buy.”                                  enhancing brain function thanks to scent   plant-based  eau  de  parfum.  The  brand
          One  potential  source  of  that  emotional   is more relevant today than ever. Studies   says that its blend of grounding Hinoki
          support is psychedelics, which are     show  that  scent  has  true  benefits  for   woods and  crushed  herbs create “an
          creating  buzz  in  mental  health  for  their   mood  and  memory. According  to data   earthy  and  ethereal  plant-based  scent
          potential in treating various psychological   from Mood Media, a U.S. in-store media   that’s a Japanese ‘forest bath’ in a bottle.”
          conditions. There’s also scope for them   solutions company, 75% of all emotions   What’s Next for Cognitive Wellness?
          to  make  their  way  into  beauty  and   generated  every  day  are due to  smell,   At BEAUTYSTREAMS, we look at societal
          wellness, to create feelings of well-being   and our mood is improved by 40% when   movements and translate these into

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