Page 134 - EM - Export Magazine Perfumery Edition
P. 134
EM: in addition to being very talented, you were GR: There has been a great evolution, from the times
also able to interpret the desires of consumers, of my first laboratory of natural cosmetics, to what is
anticipating the times... meant today by ‘natural cosmetics.’ Before we worked
GR: Let’s say that I worked very hard, and this is with a few raw materials, today the range is much wider
shown by the two books in which I briefly wrote about and they come from various parts of the world, such as
my professional story, It was not all roses; I opened Africa, Brazil and Asia. Various certifications are needs,
a first shop in Turin, and others in Salice d’Ulce, in especially if they are organic products. Our company is
Bardonecchia and in Porto Rotondo. Then I had to close structured to be aligned with all the procedures required
them because managing points of sale, at that time by law, for example the various ISOs. Our R & D laboratory
was not easy, without the right organization to do so. is made up of 5 excellent chemists, who are very up to
Nevertheless we gained satisfaction; from the yacht date on their profession. Naturally they know that the
of the great Virna Lisi anchored in Porto Rotondo, she undersigned in always there for advice or any doubts
se nt someone to buy cosmetics in our shop. Another they may have. Experience counts… Just as the presence
article was published ‘Tyrosine gets them all tanned’ by in the company of my two sons is very important.
Antonella Amapane. As soon as the article came out, Andrea has a degree in pharmacy, but he also has a
at 9 in the morning, our telephone was already ringing degree ad honorem im engineering, as he deals with
to buy the products. What had happened? I had been everything concerning the functioning of the factory
able to formulate a sun care product with two amino and the management of the personnel. Marco, on the
acids which are part of the turnover of the formation other hand, has a degree in economics and business
of melanin, with exceptional results. One of the trump and has a more business-oriented role, with a character
cards of our company has always been that of obtaining more similar to mine. Andrea, naturally, is following in
before anyone else the most interesting and innovative the footsteps of his father. They are complementary as
things from our faithful suppliers of raw materials. We are their respective wives who are also in the company.
are grateful to them and it is also thanks to this genuine Marco’s wife is an expert in computers and has taken
partnership that our R & D is always able to propose the company to point zero, and Andrea’s wife deals with
avant-garde products. administration and legal affairs. The contribution of my
husband, Roberto, who designs all the pieces necessary
EM: Has anything changed today, when we talk in the factory for the packaging supply chain, is also
about natural cosmetics? invaluable.
We asked Marco Piccolo to give us a brief Reynaldi natural products brand. This is the brand we own, for which
overview of dott.ssa REYNALDI, the our company was created 43 years ago by my mother. The brand was
company, as it is today in real time. slightly neglected over time, because we concentrated in recent years on
It is an industrial company which the private label segment , aware that we cannot become competitors of
stands out, as well as for the many our private label clients. With “‘Dott.ssa Reynaldi’’ we can experiment the
skills it has, for the initiatives most innovative formulations to then offer them to our largest private
undertaken in the company, in the label clients. Three years ago, we decided to give them new life, and the
Piedmont Region and nationally, as space it deserves in our business. A new brand manager looked after the
a promoter of a circular economy. marketing strategy and all the other related aspects, such as for example
the packaging, in order to attract today’s clientele. We are leaders in
EXPORT MAGAZINE: Can you describe the Dott.ssa ReYNALDi sustainability and we have defined for our line a path of improvement
company to us in general terms ? for the coming years. In Italy the brand is distributed through two shops
MARCO PiCCOLO: To date, REYNALDI is made up of three divisions. The in Turin and the shop at our factory and we continue to act so that we are
first division, currently the largest from the point of view of the turnover not competing with our private label clients. On the other hand we have
which is growing by 25% each year, manufactures cosmetics for private decided to develop the international development of this brand, because
labels. Starting from the brief of the client, we do the formulation, the the areas for action are wider; in addition, the times are right for Dott.
PIF, the packaging, in short we provide a full service, both for the Italian ssa Reynaldi products, which have always been the representatives of a
and the export market. The second division concerns the production of concept of real naturalness and sustainability. A perfect synergy exists
medical devices, for which we have obtained ISO 13486 certification and in our company, as two forces converge in it: the company puts at the
have ISO 7 premises. We are authorized to produce devices, for example, disposal of the brand all its know-how and the Dott.ssa Reynaldi puts at
for cleaning the ears, nose and throat. The third division is the Dott.ssa its disposal all its expertise to give a new boost to the brand.