Page 132 - EM - Export Magazine Perfumery Edition
P. 132


    Dr.ssa REYNALDI



                                                                               EXPORT MAGAZINE: How did tour professional life
                                                                               GRAZiA ReYNALDi: I graduated in Pharmacy in 1970 with
                                                                               an experimental thesis on the chemistry of cosmetics. It
                                                                               was the first year that a Chair of Pharmacy held this type
                                                                               of course, and Prf. Gianni Proserpio had been invited to
                                                                               hold it. Recognized by all as one of the fathers of Italian
                                                                               cosmetics, he has always been fascinated by botany and
                                                                               natural products, as well as being an excellent chemist.
                                                                               On his suggestion, in my thesis I had replaced Vaseline
                                                                               and petroleum jellies by natural oils and plant extracts,
                                                                               against every current trend, which mainly followed the
                                                                               guidelines of the pharmaceutical companies. My passion
                                                                               for cosmetics soon had to do with my activity as a wife
                                                                               and mother. I got married in 1971 and within two years
                                                                               Andrea and Marco were born, who obviously absorbed
                                                                               much of my energy, without silencing my desire to ‘do
                                                                               something’, also to contribute to the household budget.
                                                                               My husband, an excellent engineer, was working for Fiat
                                                                               but his salary was not enough to reach the end of the
          we wanted to interview Dr Maria Grazia                               month. I started making camomile shampoos for my

          Reynaldi because her professional story,                             boys in the kitchen, yes I really said in the kitchen, in the
          which started in the 1970s, is particularly                          pasta  saucepan,  then  foam  baths,  intimate  cleansers
                                                                               based on menthol; my friends asked me for them as
          interesting. Thanks to her courageous                                well; then some chemists’ in the neighbourhood called
          initiative and sense of entrepreneurship,                            me for quantities of 20 kilos at a time, to sell to their

          Dr Reynaldi’s company today is of great                              customers with a personalized label. One bathroom at
                                                                               home had become my laboratory and as in September
          importance in the beauty sector, both for its                        the boys would have started school,  to  avoid  queues
          brand and as a private label manufacturer of                         for the bathroom in the morning, I had to find premises
                                                                               where I could start my business. In May 1979, I seized
          cosmetics and toiletries. Andrea and Marco                           the opportunity of a building under construction in Via
          piccolo Reynaldi are making the company                              Cardinal Fossati in Turin, which was to have shops on

          progress even more, both at R & D level and                          two floors. We rented one shop with access for customers
                                                                               on street level, with a view of the laboratory underneath
          technological. One of the present aims is to                         and we said to ourselves: may God help us, if the worst
          relaunch the Dr.ssa Reynaldi brand in Italy                          comes to the worst we’ll take a step back… My mother
                                                                               was one of my great supporters, also helping me in some
          and on international markets.                                        phases of the actual work.

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