Page 136 - EM - Export Magazine Perfumery Edition
P. 136





          In recent years, the definition of beauty   In search for reassurance, consumers are   three  key  movements  set  to  define  the
          has evolved from a notion of aesthetic   turning to beauty to help them heighten   future of holistic beauty within the next
          pleasantness to a broader consideration   their  sense  of  self-awareness  and  craft   three years, how this translates on the
          of inner balance and psychological     their own well-being, and a newfound    beauty market today and what this may
          well-being. Amid challenging climates   awareness   of   psychological   and   entail for its future.
          rooted in political tension, recession and   emotional states is becoming ever-more
          environmental crises, pathologies linked   woven into the beauty category. Indeed,  COGNiTiVe weLLNess:
          to stress have recently soared.        with life today having been described as  LeVeRAGiNG MeNTAL
                                                 a state of “perma- crisis,” it’s no surprise  weLL-BeiNG
                                                 that consumers are feeling burnt out.   With  the  perma-crisis  in  mind, we
                                                                                         can  expect  consumers  to  increasingly
                                                 As one response, consumers are seeking   look for ways to lift their mood and
                                                 out beauty and personal care that offers   manage  their  emotions.  Stimulation
                                                 more  profound  experiences  and  that   via  color,  texture,  fragrance,  and
                                                 goes  beyond  the  aesthetic,  amplifying   safe,  mood-altering  ingredients  can
                                                 the  effects  of  the  time  that  they  spend   offer  consumers  moments  of  healthy
                                                 on themselves. They are avidly turning   relaxation, engagement, or escape.
                                                 to beauty products and routines that can   There will likely be opportunities for
                                                 enhance their well-being, improve their   brands to expand their cosmetic product
                                                 psychological health, address stress,   offer  toward  a  broader  definition  of
                                                 and quiet a racing mind. In Nielsen IQ’s   beauty that addresses brain health  and
                                                 report “The 2022 State of Consumers”    well-being.  From a  brand  and  product
                                                 released in January, surveys found that   development point of view, as beauty is
                                                 over half of respondents consider mental   a highly emotional territory, being able
                                                 health and stress management to be top   to measure the tangible benefits of color,
                                                 priority, with 65% responding that mental   texture, and fragrance on the brain could
                                                 wellness was “one of the areas that will   represent a tremendous competitive
                                                 be most important to (them) in the next   advantage for brands. Colors, shapes,
                                                 12  months,” while  stress management,   textures, and even fragrances have been
                                                 relaxation, and sleep ranked as the fourth   proven  to  affect  one’s  mood  and  play
                                                 most-popular response, chosen  by  59%   an important part in a brand’s overall
                                                 of  those  surveyed.  This  prioritizing  of   desirability.  While  external  stimuli
                                                 mental health is translating into a holistic   remains key in evaluating a product or
                                                 approach  to beauty, as brands actively   brand, experts are also exploring the rise
                                                 seek to lift consumers’ mood and spirit.   of microdosing and its role in the beauty
                                                 At  BEAUTYSTREAMS,  we  have  identified   industry. Andrew  Hessel, Co-Founder

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