Page 139 - EM - Export Magazine Perfumery Edition
P. 139

Traditional  Chinese  Medicine  (TCM),   What’s Next for Health-Nurturing      of  age-related  macular degeneration
          and modern science to create products   Beauty Trends?                         (AMD). In addition, overexposure to
          that “act in synergy with your body,” the   Taking witness of the convergence of   blue and UV light can lead to dark circles
          brand says. Its Illuminate Face Oil blends   health  and  beauty,  BEAUTYSTREAMS   and  premature  aging  around  the  eyes,
          adaptogens for glow, with mandelic acid   identified expanding health and wellness-  while air pollutants can cause under-eye
          for radiance, and algae and willow bark   related beauty trends expected to take   pigmentation and puffiness. Healing eye
          extract for antioxidant protection. Linda   flight in the next few years.      sensitivity, we identified that a conceptual
          Wang, Founder and CEO of Karuna Skin,                                          supplement,  developed  in  collaboration
          states that “combining both clinically   360-Degree Workout Recovery           with ophthalmic surgeons, that supports
          studied ingredients and those that come   The beauty, wellness, and fitness sectors   the health  of eyes both  from the inside
          from a holistic background like TCM and   are converging. Going to the gym, taking   and out to relieve strain as well as dry,
          Ayurveda is so important when it comes   fitness  classes,  and  working  out  have   sore,  red,  or  itchy  eyes.  With  the  ever-
          to achieving skin balance and results,” she   become  central  to  consumers’  routines,   growing use of screens on a daily basis,
          said. “[These ingredients’] powerful anti-  as  they  view  beauty  through  a  broad   this is an opportunity worth tapping into.
          inflammatory properties work wonders in   lens  that  encompasses  healthy  living,
          skin care to help get stressed-out skin back   physical appearance, and overall holistic  PRiVATe HAVeN:
          to a balanced, high-performing state.”  well-being. Within  this  active  lifestyle,  CReATiNG A
                                                 recovery  is an  important  part  of  the  FeeL-GOOD BUBBLe
          Holistically Efficacious               workout  process.  Thus,  beauty  and   As (semi-) remote lifestyles mean
          Ingredient Actives                     wellness products that address the needs   consumers spend  more time at home,
          On an ingredient level, cosmetic       of recovery during the different phases of   building  a  comfortable  and  cozy
          active ingredient company Lipotrue’s   a workout session provide an opportunity   environment  becomes   increasingly
          active ingredient  range  Telessence is   for brands to be part of consumers’ rising   important. Thinking about the home as
          formulated  to  “tackle  the  three  types   obsession with fitness and wellness. An   an intimate eco-system and, in a certain
          of stress that accelerate biological   example of such a concept is a recovery-  way, an extension of our bodies, signals
          aging,” the company says,  namely      based, holistic wellness line comprising   that beauty has the potential to further
          environmental, physical, and emotional.   supplements,  cosmeto-textile,  and  evolve into other domains related to
          The  “emotional”  ingredient,  Telessence   topical  products,  specifically  designed   home care and well- being at large.
          Breeztel, is a marine ferment derived   to  be  used  before,  during,  and  after  a   Experiences that create deep  physical
          from  a  microorganism  collected,  the   workout to enhance physical endurance,   and mental relaxation  via beauty tech,
          brand says, “from the sea breeze”      relieve  muscles  soreness,  and  promote   and products that enhance sexual
          near  Tonga,  Fiji.  Lipotrue  says  this   faster recovery.                   wellness,  will  benefit  from  the  Private
          topical ingredient addresses the signs                                         Haven  movement.  The  evolution  of
          of emotional stress in the skin, as it   Double-Action Eye Beautifier          fragrance towards scent being a vehicle
          “modulates  SP and cortisol  release,   Since smartphones, tablets, and laptops   for well-being and self-care will continue
          preventing the cell from biological    have become commonplace, consumers’     to attract consumers who are constantly
          aging  that occurs  through telomeres   digital  screen  time has  increased   craving stress release.
          shortening.”  This  action,  Lipotrue  says,   exponentially, often leading to dry and
          “de-emostresses”  the  skin  by  restoring   fatigued eyes. Excessive screen time
          and  repairing  epidermal  and  dermal   can also impact eyes’ ability to focus,
          emotional balance.                     eye function, and vision  longevity. In
                                                 addition, the  poor air quality  in  cities
                                                 worldwide and constant exposure to this
                                                 contaminated  air  means  eye  problems
                                                 caused by pollution are increasing. This
                                                 can  cause  a number of  eye  conditions
                                                 such as allergies, irritation, redness,
                                                 itchiness, watering, strain, and blurring.
                                                 UV rays can have damaging effects on the
                                                 eyes, too, and speed up the progression

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