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P. 154


          BEAUTY ON AMAZON 101:                                                          create an account and you can sell directly,

          wiNNiNG sTRATeGies FOR BeAUTY BRANDs,                                          discounting the products as you like. Amazon
                                                                                         takes  commission from everyone and the
          BY THe PHeNOMeNAL VANessA KUYKeNDALL                                           revenue from the sale is deposited in a bank
                                                                                         account every two weeks.”
          by Grazia Zuccarini, Marketing         in the various cosmetic sectors, skin care,
          and Communication Consultant           make-up and fragrances. Can Amazon      hOW TO WORk WITh AMAZON
                                                 really be an  ally to launch  new lines or,   There are two ways of “cleaning up”
                                                 as  Vanessa  will  explain,  to  support  the   Amazon, Vanessa explains: “One is to work
                                                 giants of luxury beauty in  “cleaning  up”   directly, making an alliance with Amazon:
                                                 the marketplace of sales of products    we file cases through their system and so
                                                 from the parallel market?               we can prove that the reseller is selling old,
                                                 The  answer  is  “yes”:  “Ignoring  Amazon   expired, fake products, or testers. But if the
                                                 is a dangerous strategy,” Vanessa states   product is not in one of the aforementioned
                                                 peremptorily. Before  going  into detail   categories,  Amazon  nevertheless  allows
                                                 into the secrets of the beauty market   the sale, especially is the price is good. The
                                                 on Amazon, here are some numbers on     other way to pursue the objective of cleaning
                                                 the giant which today states a growth   up the market place is to work with the
                                                 of  43%  year on  year from the  second   brands themselves to identify the resellers
                                                 half of 2017 (data eCommerce Analytics   through,  for  example,  investigations  on
                                                 Firm One Click Retail). Today it controls   the batch numbers. It is then up to the
                                                 36% of online beauty sales in the United   brand  to  manage  the  relationship  with
                                                 States (Bloomberg data) and its growth in   the incriminated seller. Market Defence
          I  met  Vanessa  Kuykendall  at  the  recent   beauty sales during Covid was of + 22%,   helps the brands investigate and identify
          20th  Cosmoprof  North  America in  Las   an unquestionable success!           them. Obviously cleaning up the market is
          Vegas. Vanessa is the cofounder of the   “Amazon is a huge opportunity for beauty   a strategic and courageous choice and not
          agency Market Defense, based in Seattle,   today,”  Vanessa  explains  “if  years  ago   all the major brands are ready to take this
          and  specialized  in  the  management   the  consumer bought  a product  after   step.
          of  large or small  beauty  brands which   a Google search, today research is
          want to make their debut or strategically   done  directly  on  the  Amazon  platform,   ThE TIPs FOR LAUNChING
          manage their business on Amazon.       bypassing all the other search engines.”   AN INDIE BRAND ON AMAZON
          Market Defence comes from the need     “And if the giant of e-commerce until a   Vanessa:  “You can easily  launch a  brand
          to “clean up” Amazon  from the multiple   little while ago was considered a “mass   today without even ever touching or seeing
          resellers of various brands which      market  retailer,”  Vanessa  continues,   the  final  products.  You  can  manufacture
          ”pollute” the market and the image of the   today it has opened with strategic   them anywhere in the world and your
          brands  themselves,  selling  off  products   moves and dedicated programmes to   supplier  can  ship  directly  to  Amazon.  You
          at  greatly  discounted  prices.  Vanessa   the world of luxury, not only beauty,   need to have some inventory in the US, but
          and her team work as investigators to   which  has  enthusiastically  welcomed   you  cannot  over  stock  Amazon.  Especially
          understand where these products come   this change, producing unexpected       at the beginning when you launch, they give
          from,  to consequently  solve a problem   changes. Today,  Vanessa continues, “it   you a  very  little space and to  have more
          of a parallel market which damages the   is possible to protect the integrity of your   space you have to show them that you sell
          distribution of the same brands on other   brand and retailer relationships while   fast. Said that, you won’t need to produce
          retail  channels  such  as  Sephora  or  Ulta   reaping the revenue benefits of the largest   more  than  1000  unit  per  sku  to  launch
          Beauty. Amongst the multiple talks on   e-commerce  marketplace  in  the  US—it   a  new  line.”  Amazon  is  very  interested
          the calendar, I decided to take part in   just takes know-how”.                in small businesses now, so they are
          her: “Amazon 101,” my curiosity aroused   “Amazon is a marketplace where everyone can   offering indie brands consulting services
          by the eye-catching title. The distribution   sell directly and start a business”   Vanessa   to help them to start their business with
          of multiple indie beauty brands all over   explains, “just as a curiosity the 48% of these   them. You can apply to be part of  “Small
          the world is a problem which limits the   businesses are run by women! Amazon is an   business program” or of “Female founder
          creativity and development of many lines   opportunity  for  everyone:  you  only  have  to   owned brand program” or “Black owned

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