Page 157 - EM - Export Magazine Perfumery Edition
P. 157



          by Grazia Zuccarini, Marketing and Communication Consultant

                                      ZODICA PERFUMERY - UsA         ThE skIN FACTORY, ALsO kNOWN As kUNDAL
                                      Zodica Perfumery was founded   KUNDAL sells 3 products every
                                      by  Kristi  Moe  in  2016  after   1  second  worldwide  -  they
                                      three years of development,    export  their products  to  51
                                      two blind studies, and multi-  different  countries,  offering
                                      city market testing. The eco-  a collection of high-quality,
                                      conscious company uses organic   natural products blended with
                                      and   sustainable  ingredients  signature fragrances by our in-
                                      and packaging. The eau de      house perfumers, providing a
                                      parfums are 100% vegan and     healthier and more luxurious hair and body care experience.
                                      cruelty-free, and do not contain   The best selling products are in the following image Nature
                                      parabens, phthalates, gluten,   Shampoo / Deep Cleansing Shampoo/ Caffeine Scalp Shampoo /
                                      soy,  or  formaldehyde.  Each  fine   Cool Shampoo and Treatment.
                                      fragrance evokes a vibe reflecting
                                      the sign’s  personality, energy,   REhIDRA – VAGhEGGI – ITALY
                                      and season. On average, 80% of   Thanks to the latest research in
                                      people prefer their zodiac sign’s   the  field  of  genomics,  Rehydra
                                      perfume over the other eleven.  becomes a true personalized
                                                                     treatment that, taking into account
          FROM MOROCCO A LUXURY BRAND: AsRARY                        all the mechanisms regulating
          Deep  within  the  Moroccan                                hydration, is able to effectively and
          desert an extraordinary story                              visibly respond to specific needs.
          unfolds.                                                   The new Rehydra cosmetics range is a journey into the concept of
          A  community  of  women  held                              clean beauty that contains a blend of cosmetic active ingredients
          secrets  that  distinguished                               that relax the skin’s surface and help it absorb water, much like
          them from other tribes. Their                              a sponge, restoring firmness and elasticity. A targeted range for
          timeless wisdom and mystical                               normal to dry or parched skin, it provides a number of solutions
          beauty rituals bestowed upon                               for a wide variety of conditions. Innovative products with textures
          them a captivating allure, like                            that deliver different levels of hydration that keep skin nourished,
          radiant desert stars.                                      hydrated, relaxed and radiant for longer.
          At  ASRARY, their passion
          lies in creating exceptional                               ThE GO BEAUTY – UsA
          hair care products that draw                               MODERN MIRACLE | EGF/hGh + ACTIVE PROBIOTIC,
          inspiration from the rich culture, natural wonders, and timeless   NIGhT sERUM REPAIR . FORTIFY . TRANsFORM
          beauty of Morocco. Journey a started in this enchanting    This nightly reparative serum nourishes and rejuvenates
          country, where you can find endless inspiration. Committed to   damaged, aging skin as it dramatically improves the appearance
          quality, innovation, and ethical practices, the aim is to provide   of deep wrinkles, sagging skin, and signs of visible distress with
          a luxurious beauty experience. Products are developed to                               two unique epidermal growth
                                      deliver outstanding results,                               factors   (EGF/hGH),   Active
                                      to  prioritize  customers’  well-                          Probiotics and Snail Secretion
                                      being. Customer’s satisfaction                             Ferment. Inspired  by  Korean
                                      is at the forefront of company’s                           serums and ampoules, this
                                      mission: striving to exceed                                powerful formula helps visibly
                                      any   expectation   regarding                              strengthen skin while helping to
                                      the products that have been                                encourage  its  natural  ability  to
                                      created.                                                   regenerate overnight.

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