Page 156 - EM - Export Magazine Perfumery Edition
P. 156


          green  tag,  no  product  description,  a   of commission; if you are a member you   Professional beauty is another beauty
          very clean and elegant lay out. There   have a greater chance of being  featured   programme by Amazon available for
          are  no  resellers  on  the page and  no   (being invited by Amazon itself) in special   appropriate stylist and professional
          advertisements from other brands.      influencer  campaigns  for  holidays  or   beauty licenses required under applicable
          The brand  which  joins the Premium    Black  Friday or to appear on  the home   laws  and  regulations. For example:
          Beauty programme pays an extra 15% fee   page.                                 barbers, cosmetologists, beauticians.

          KELLY KOVAK FROM BeAUTY MATTeR                                                 Target, Sephora, Ulta), bypassing this big
          sPeAKs ABOUT THe GReAT eNeRGY AT                                               show. They don’t need this kind of visibility
          THe 20  eDiTiON OF COsMOPROF NORTH                                             any more to build up their awareness. This
          AMeRiCA: THe sHOw is DeFiNiTeLY BACK!                                          is an ongoing challenge for the trade show,
                                                                                         but this does not mean that indie brand
          by Grazia Zuccarini, Marketing         the  same  place.  There  were,  for  the  first   teams are not present at the show, they in
          and Communication Consultant           year after the pandemic, lots of Asian   fact visit the packaging and manufacturers’
                                                 brands from every APAC country. I am sure   side  for  example,  do  research  and  meet
                                                 numbers will confirm this great success. In   some buyers and distributors.
                                                 terms of changes the biggest one I would say
                                                 was the shift of the Cosmopack and the rest   GZ:  is  there  any  important  news  from
                                                 of the show to the same location. Having   Cosmopack?
                                                 everything in one place focused traffic and   KK: The airless bottles made from mono-
                                                 it was good and practical for exhibitors and   materials is  innovation  for  a  kind  of
                                                 visitors. A very interesting part of the show   packaging that is not usually considered
                                                 was the “focused area” meaning for the one   sustainable. That was interesting. Also, the
                                                 with very specific categories of brand such   work that Element Packaging is doing is
                                                 as for example the “green beauty brands”,   also interesting. They are using proprietary
                                                 or “black owned beauty brands” and other   techniques to inform packaging design. And
                                                 categories all in one place. It’s always very   they are also working with carbon-capture
                                                 creative, dynamic, and inspiring.       technology on a sustainable standpoint.
                                                                                         Those are the two most important packaging
          She knows the beauty world better than   GZ: The most represented categories?   innovations, both coming  from  US, we
          anyone else, she is sensitive to new trends   KK:  Definitely  the  fragrance  market  is   are the leaders in terms of technology,
          and is in touch with the most influential   growing tremendously: there were more   innovation, and sustainability.
          beauty  opinion  leaders in  the world:   brands from all over the world. We continue
          we are talking about Kelly Kovak from   to see sexual and intimate care at the show,   GZ:  what do you think about the next
          Beauty Matter, and she shares with us   this is now a strong trend. Sustainability is   Cosmoprof  edition  in  Miami  next
          her enthusiastic experience at the latest   always a hot topic. Franz is a very interesting   January, will it really be the open day to
          edition of Cosmoprof North America.    brand that has made the sunshine peptide   the LATAM countries?
                                                 patch, something that people were talking   KK: For sure choosing Miami in January is a
          GRAZIA ZUCCARINI:  Kelly, what can     about a lot for a while.  A brand called   strategic choice!
          you  tell us  about this  important 20th   Satisfier is innovative in sexual wellness.   And I personally think that it could make
          edition  of  Cosmoprof  North  America?                                        sense to use this show for the LATAM beauty
          Did you notice any major changes or    GZ:  what kind of public attended the   market which is increasingly growing. People
          improvements?                          show?                                   are looking for new markets now that China
          Kelly KOVAK: It has been a great edition,   KK:  What  was  interesting  and  new  is  that   is also saturated. We’ll have to see if brands
          the third one after the pandemic and we   there were tons  of investors at the show.   wish to invest in  this “open door” and if
          can  definitely  say  that  the  show  is  back!   But many brands, in particular the indie ones   buyers and investors are present. There will
          There was a great energy. Everybody was   are discovering other ways of being visible   of course be a risk of cannibalization with
          present, all the countries were represented   other than taking part in trade exhibitions,   the other US edition, but I am sure they
          and at last they were all together again in   so they go directly to the resellers (Wallmart,   already have a strategy to avoid this issue.

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