Page 158 - EM - Export Magazine Perfumery Edition
P. 158


       wORLD Of bEAuTy


          It was in 1969 that Florence Guardigli, a   ingredients intervene in the gradual   (with the exception of 10 references) and
          visionary woman, created her laboratory   improvement,  in total respect of  the   the vast majority are vegan and halal.
          nestling in nature with the idea of using   skin,  the  environment  and  nature.   The  formulas  respect  the  ecosystem
          formulations with high titres of natural   The  experience  and  expertise  is  using   and are produced according to the
          active ingredients, an unusual practice at   aromatherapy, remedies based on herbs   guidelines of maximum sustainability.
          that time. Each product was developed   and the use of micro-encapsulated fresh   World  of  Beauty  products  are  paraben
          to relieve and remedy problematic skin   native cells have allowed World of Beauty   free,  paraffin  free,  cruelty  free,  efficacy
          conditions, With the passing of the years,   to  become  a  leading  cosmetics  brand.   tested, microbiological certified, because
          the company is now led by Florence’s   Today it can boast of an international   the aim is to give our customers high
          daughter, Annalisa Gramellini, together   presence, present in 52 countries, from   quality products respecting nature
          with her husband Walter Tirindelli who is   East  to  West  and  is  used  in  the  best   and animals. World of Beauty is today
          responsible for sales abroad.          thermal spas, clinics and beauty salons.   internationally  recognized  as  the  most
          The philosophy of the brand is now     With several international certifications,   effective and professional Phyto-Aroma
          focused  on  the  awareness  of  the   the products are organic and natural    Cosmeceuticals.
          importance  of  loving  oneself.  The
          company’s  products  contain  natural
          ingredients  with  patented  international   Thanks to highly advanced ingredients
          technology aimed  at helping  every  skin
          type, formulated with careful research    and formulas, this Italian family business
          into the deepest causes that change
          the  appearance  of  the  skin.  These            has reached high international goals

            At Cosmoprof North America, held this summer in Las Vegas, World of Beauty won
            an award in the “green and Organic” sector for its Slim Shape Body Pants, effective
            anticellulite soaked pants/leggings, ideal for a body draining treatment.
                                               The pair of Natural Cotton Leggings are
                                               soaked  in  natural  lipolytic  concentrate
                                               formulated to minimize the imperfections
                                               of  edematous-fibrous  cellulite  and  to
                                               promote the elimination of waste and
                                               toxins. They give compactness, elasticity
                                               and  drainage  visible  from  the  very  first
                                               applications. Ready for use and reusable,
                                               they are ideal for draining treatments of the
                                               legs. Ecosustainable in the respect of nature
                                               and the environment, they can be reused
                                               up to 20 times. This award is a source of
                                               great satisfaction for an Italian company in
                                               a highly competitive international context.

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