Page 163 - EM - Export Magazine Perfumery Edition
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                                                                sPeCiAL HiGHLiGHTs
                                                                Special  projects  will  enrich  the  exhibition  offer  focusing
                                                                on  key  trends  in  the  Asia-Pacific  region.  The  interactive
          Among Cosmopack Asia top exhibitors are Axilone,      installation COSMO LAB developed in collaboration with
          Aromatic  Enterprises,  Baralan,  B.Kolormakeup  &    OPAL, located in Cosmopack Asia, will offer a multisensory
          Skincare, Brivaplast, Chiang Pao Industrial, Coreana   experience of how clean and green beauty trends can
          Bio, Cosmecca Korea, Fiabila, F.S. Korea Industries,   change consumers’ behaviour and led them to a more
          HCP  Packaging,  Heinz  Glas,  Il  Cosmetics,  Jia  Hsing   conscious and responsible lifestyle towards sustainability.
          Enterprise,  Kolmar  Korea,  Libo Cosmetics,  Magnoli   A  rich  educational  calendar  will  provide  inspirations
          Cosmetics, Majesty Packaging Global, Marchesini,      and updates to all attendees. CosmoTalks, the exclusive
          Modern  Basic Cosmetics, Myc Packaging, Ningbo        round tables of the Cosmoprof network, will host global
          Z&Z  New  Material,  Omnicos,  Schwan  Cosmetics,     leaders of the cosmetics industry to share comments on
          Sheencol’or  Biotech,  Thai  Ho  Bio-Tech  Cosmetics,   macro- movements and trends forecasts. CosmoForum
          Tonnie Cosmetics, Verescence and Yonwoo.              presentations  will  provide  in-depth  market  analyses  and
                                                                case  studies  of  specific  consumers’  behaviour.  Among
                                                                confirmed  main  partners,  AsiaCosme  Lab,  Beauty  Matter,
                                                                BEAUTYSTREAMS,  Euromonitor  International,  Kline,  SGS,
                                                                Tmall Global. CosmoOnstage, the dynamic platform at
                                                                Cosmoprof Asia, will bring you captivating live shows and
                                                                demo  sessions  by  industry  influencers.  Prepare  to  be
                                                                amazed as they showcase their cutting-edge products,
                                                                state-of-art equipment and demonstrate for nail art, spa
                                                                & wellness, makeup. An exclusive stage performance
                                                                organised by AHMA (Association of Hair and Makeup Arists)
                                                                will be held to celebrate the creativity from winners of
                                                                the Barber Battle Hong Kong 2023. The Cosmoprof Asia &
          Buyers from all over the world will visit the show, with   Cosmopack Asia Awards, curated by BEAUTYSTREAMS are
          special hospitality programs dedicated to top players   set to commemorate the most outstanding companies for
          from  China,  Asia  Pacific  countries,  Europe  and  the   their research and development in formulation, packaging,
          USA. They will enjoy the opportunities for synergies   sustainable approach, storytelling and value proposition.
          and  business  meetings  offered  by  the  exclusive   Finalists will enjoy special visibility, while the winners
          platform  Match&Meet,  which  helps  connection       will be announced during the exhibition with a dedicated
          between exhibitors and buyers on the show floor.      celebration on November 15, at the Hong Kong Convention
          All players will have the opportunity to travel to Hong   & Exhibition Centre. For the first time, winners of the Awards
          Kong with special discounted airfares thanks to an    will have an unprecedented opportunity to showcase their
          exclusive partnership with Cathay Pacific, the home   achievements  in  Bologna  during  Cosmoprof  Worldwide
          carrier of Hong Kong which is supporting Cosmoprof    Bologna 2024 CosmoTrends will provide an overview of
          Asia  by  offering  registered  exhibitors,  buyers  and   actual  trends  in  Asia-Pacific,  starting  from  the  innovation
          travel companions, the opportunity to enjoy great     and new launches presented by exhibitors at Cosmoprof
          savings on their flights to the city. Stakeholders from   Asia. The report, prepared by BEAUTYSTREAMS, will become
          all over the world will take advantage from the return   a strategic roadmap for operators, buyers, trend-scouters,
          to Hong Kong, which is one of the best place for b2b   press  and  influencers,  and  it  will  highlight  the  products
          events in the Asia-Pacific region. The city is a strategic   influencing consumer’s habits in the next months.
          location  for  global  players  and  it  offers  a  business   A special installation will be set-up on the show-floor with all
          friendly environment, thanks to its regulation as     selected products, and the report will be presented during a
          free trade port and tax free zone. It is the gateway to   CosmoTalks session to all attendees.
          Mainland China and Asia Pacific, being the 4th largest
          trading partner of China.

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