Page 165 - EM - Export Magazine Perfumery Edition
P. 165

R R  E E  P P   O O  R R  T T

          With its ageing population and the growing awareness of skin   That said, certain areas of personal care products (such as
          problems linked to pollution, stress, etc., anti-ageing products   bath  and  shower  products  and  oral  care  products)  have
          and/or products for problem skin are also attracting more and   resisted the shift to being sold mostly online. Demand for
          more  consumers,  including  the  youngest.  Sun  protection  is   these products is strongly supported by drugstores. These
          one of the most buoyant sectors.                            products  are,  in  fact,  slower  to  shift  to  e-commerce  than
                                                                      beauty  products. There  were  about  26,500  drugstores  &
                                                                      parapharmacies in Japan as of 2021 (based on Retailing
                                                                      2022, Japan), across both urban and rural areas, and many
                                                                      consumers have easy access to physical outlets. Given the
                                                                      number of drugstores and pharmacies available, purchasing
                                                                      via e-commerce can be seen as more time-consuming, or
                                                                      more expensive (than in-store purchases), considering the
                                                                      time lag and cost of delivery. It is no surprise then, that
                                                                      value sales through health and beauty specialists in Japan
                                                                      remained buoyant in 2022, driven in particular by pharmacies
                                                                      & drugstores.
          eCommerce and its impact on in-store Retail                 One  important  thing  to  note  is  that  Covid-19  mask-wearing
          The  rise  in  penetration  of  online  distribution  channels  and   rules were lifted only recently (May 2023). Thus, beauty-spa
          e-commerce websites now providing cosmetics, like Amazon,   and salons having experienced a slump during the pandemic,
          Rakuten,  Yahoo,  and  many  local  websites,  has  affected  the   are only now set to see a recovery.
          distribution landscape. Local consumers are becoming
          increasingly  confident  purchasing  color  cosmetics  and  other
          beauty-focused products online, instead of from a physical store,
          leading to particularly dynamic  sales growth for the sector’s
          e-commerce in 2022. Online platforms not only offer competitive
          prices but also allow consumers to research different products
          and brands, as well as read user and influencer reviews.
          How does all this affect traditional brick & mortar retail? While
          value  sales  through  beauty  specialists  are  set  to  increase,
          forecasts predict, they will remain below pre-pandemic levels.
          On the other hand, sales growth via e-commerce is set to remain
          dynamic, gaining further share from retail offline. With popular
          cosmetics brands such as Sabon creating online sales platforms,
          the competition to physical stores will further increase. Sabon
          shifted to e-commerce via Line, a major chat application, which
          the brand claims contributed to one-third of its sales in 2022.
          The opportunity to be had via online distribution channels has   KeY TReNDs
          also resulted in greater spending on advertising. According   In May 2022, @ Cosme, Tokyo conducted a survey of consumers
          to Dentsu Inc.’s report of advertising expenses in Japan from   which reported 70% of respondents said they would increase
          2021, cosmetics advertising expenses increased by 5.3% and   spending on cosmetics. For respondents in their 20s, 80% said
          accounted for 9.7% of the total advertising expenditure. The   they intended to spend  even more. K-beauty, sustainability,
          annual expenditure on influencer marketing was estimated to   and AI are major trends boosting the growth of the beauty and
          amount to 74.1 billion Japanese yen in 2023.                personal care market in Japan.

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