Page 169 - EM - Export Magazine Perfumery Edition
P. 169

R R  E E  P P   O O  R R  T T

          displayed or photographed, the brand must exude its essence.   Marcel-huet: Absolutely! Any brand wishing to be successful
          And having someone in your camp that can ensure this is    must have know its customer’s needs. And so it is true too for
          priceless.                                                 an organisation supporting that brand. A new brand is expected

          Question:  The  pandemic  has  shifted  the  balance  between
          e-commerce  and  brick-and-mortar sales.  What  are  your
          thoughts regarding this shift?
          Marcel-huet:  After the pandemic, everyone is looking to
          reduce  costs,  especially  costs  related  to  establishing  local
          subsidiaries and also logistical costs. Certain eco-friendly
          packaging like glass is also very expensive to transport. So
          whether it’s a greater focus on optimising the utility of the
          internet to reduce these costs, or investing in packaging options
          such as aluminum as opposed to glass, I see brands investing
          more in cost-cutting initiatives. Of course, post-pandemic,
          supply-chain, and transport issues are on everyone’s mind.

          Question:  So  is  it  true  that  companies,  like  CLÉDASIE,  which
          function largely to support a brand, as well as its relationships to
          distributors, must have their thumb on the pulse of local consumer   to already be responding to a demand. Niche brands too must
          preferences? In other words its not just the brand’s job?  have  in  its  brand-offer  based  in  what  consumers  demand.
                                                                     For example, Sodachi  has high  standards  for its  eco-friendly
                                                                     packaging, appealing to Gen Z, whereas Nescens, with its anti-
                                                                     ageing stem-cell technology, appeals to Japan’s older population.
                                                                     At times, more established brands with larger stocks require
                                                                     more  time  and  greater investment to  make changes to  their
                                                                     formulas. Niche brands can generally have the capacity to be
                                                                     more responsive. So, there is an advantage here. In fact, I would
                                                                     say there are many advantages to being a niche brand and the
                                                                     future may very well lie here...with the niche brand.

                           For more information on how IL Brand Consultancy can help you expand your brand,
                           please contact us on or visit our website at
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