Page 168 - EM - Export Magazine Perfumery Edition
P. 168

R R  E E  P P  O O   R R  T T

          well-being. Nutritional supplements, lubricants, intimate   Question: How often do these niche brands restock?
          washes, and lotions with or without CBD show a wide range
          of  possibilities  in  this  category  for  brands.  Furthermore,
          Femcare  enhances  women’s  health  during  menopause,
          menstruation, and pregnancy. It also includes female sex toys.
          Fermata is a Femtech brand that started selling online in 2019
          and moved into retail in 2020. Their product scope includes
          menstrual  underwear,  sex  toys,  and  more  female-related
          items.  The  market’s  response  to  female-specific  products
          seems  slow.  However,  it is  happening and shows potential   Marcel-huet: Our brands restock every 3 months, and that’s
          and rising demand. For example, the drugstore Matsumoto     a good example of what a niche brand can offer its customers,
          Kiyoshi started to place Femcare goods in its 30 stores called   on  top  of  offering  the  latest  in  technology.  So  whether  it’s
          Matsukiyo  Lab  in  2021  that  target  single  households  with   Sodashi’s small-batch production and all-natural ingredients
          beauty products.                                            or Nescens’ stem-cell technology, our brands, as examples of
                                                                      niche brands, have an offer that is exactly what many Japanese
          iNsiDeR iNsiGHTs: A CONVeRsATiON                            consumers seek.
          wiTH DOMiNiQUe MARCeL-HUeT ON THe
          ADVANTAGes OF BeiNG A NiCHe BRAND                           Question:  Do you see any changes in the Japanese beauty
          Call out Quote:                                             market landscape?
          “The traditional brand-distributor relationship is dead. A relic   The traditional brand-distributor relationship is dead. A relic
          of the past, it is unable to deliver the value needed to sustain   of the past, it is unable to deliver the value needed to sustain
          today’s brands in a market such as Japan.”                  today’s brands in the marketplace. What do I mean by this?
                                                                      Traditionally, a brand would partner with a distributor and
          I sat down with Dominque Marcel-Huet, Founder & CEO of      that would, in large part, be the end of the story. But today,
          CLÉDASIE. Given that CLÉDASIE works with niche brands such   there  has  to  be  an  organisation  that  acts  as  a  guardian-
          as Sodashi, Nescens, and Vinésimi, I wanted to ask him what   angel for all matters that affect the brand-building itself, so
          he  thought  the  challenges  and  opportunities  were  for  such   that the brand is built-up, as opposed to decayed. Such an
          brands.                                                     organisation should take care of everything from registering

          Marcel-huet:  Niche brands can  do things certain  other big   the  formulas and ensuring  the product’s consistency from
          brands  won’t.  First,  there’s  a  demand  for  fresh  cosmetics.  A   batch to batch, to handling all communications, as well as
          large brand might provide one year’s worth of stock and then   sales-training to selecting local distributors and reporting
          if the demand isn’t there, that stock will have to be destroyed.   on distribution successes, failures, and needs to the brand.
          Often synthetic preservatives are used because these brands   This is what we do at CLÉDASIE, for example. For the more
          have a 36-month  shelf-life. But young  or old, the Japanese   luxury or high-end brands, we also oversee all aspects of
          are increasingly demanding natural ingredients with none of   brand ambassadorship. Because at the end of the day, the
          the traditional preservatives such as parabens. They prefer a   image of a brand must progress. It must be consistent in all
          shorter shelf-life too such as 24 months.                   aspects. From packaging to brochures, to the way a product is

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