Page 167 - EM - Export Magazine Perfumery Edition
P. 167

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          Whereas the K-beauty skincare routine emphasizes a multi-   versus a lighter cleanser. The cleansing and washing process is
          step routine with a product for a variety of purposes, many   expected to reduce cleansing time, save water, and thus, lower
          Japanese beauty products integrate multiple functions and   environmental impacts.
          uses to eliminate the need for a consumer to fill their counter   In other areas of technology, Japan has helped pioneer research
          with beauty products. Korean Beauty may see three or four   in  stem-cell  technology  that  gets  incorporated  into  skincare
          serums and elixirs that each serve a different purpose. Japanese   products and even started the oil cleansing fad as a means of
          beauty, on the other hand, often sees one all-encompassing   removing makeup back in the 1960s.
          product that can hydrate, smooth, and brighten all in one.  Also  worthy  of  note:  Shiseido  is  amping  up  its  enthusiasm
                                                                      for  the  metaverse.  To  commemorate  its  150th  anniversary,
          Artificial Intelligence                                     the Japanese beauty giant has unveiled its #AliveWithBeauty
          Japanese beauty companies are also pioneering innovations in   campaign featuring a limited collection of 150 exclusive NFTs.
          technology that allow for advances in the industry. Shiseido, for   The project is a product of a partnership with Cult, a British-
          example, has acquired and patented AI technology that aims   based web agency.
          to help consumers learn more about their skin through a live   To promote accessibility in the metaverse, Shiseido is giving
          analysis on their smartphone camera. Shiseido partners with   the tokens away for free through a prize draw. Entrants can
          Revieve to launch digital makeup advisory tool. Consumers   sign up for the competition by simply typing in their email
          can access the Makeup Advisor via Shiseido’s website,       addresses via the brand’s website, where the winners will be
          where  they  will  be  prompted  to  upload  a  selfie  and  answer   notified  once  the  draw  has  closed  on  February  28.  Shiseido
          questions  focusing  on  their desired  beauty  goals. Based  on   also partnered with the NFT platform Exclusible — a carbon-
          Revieve’s AI selfie analysis, and user input, they will receive a   neutral platform that creates virtual wallets for consumers —
          comprehensive list of recommended products from Shiseido’s   so that those with no previous knowledge of NFTs or crypto
          full makeup range, including eyes, lips, and face. Consumers   can participate.  Owners of the tokens will be offered £1,000
                                            will  have  the  possibility   ($1,197) worth of skin care and samples throughout the year,
                                            to try a  product  before   tickets to both online and offline events, and other rewards as
                                            purchase,  use   true-    the program develops over time.
                                            to-life  virtual  try-on
                                            technology, and add
                                            favorite  products  to
                                            their shopping cart.
                                            AI and AR services allow
                                            consumers to some
                                            extent to see whether
                                            a  color  or  style  suits
          them,  by  creating  a  virtual  image  online.  Other strategies
          by  players  offering  health  and  beauty  products  include
          providing small personalized samples which can be bought
          for an affordable price. Both store-based and online platforms
          can  offer  this  service.  For  instance,  in  October  2022,  the  AS
          Watson Group launched “SkinlifeLab,” an innovative skin
          analysis tool that creates highly personalized skincare product
          recommendations  based  on  customers’  selfies.  Customers
          can also go into a physical store. Offline stores can leverage
          the enthusiasm for experimenting with AI by offering a more   CBD & Femcare/Femtech
          personal service, spending time with consumers, and offering   After the CBD ban in Hong Kong in February 2023 companies
          specialist  advice,  thereby  elevating  the  entire  shopping   that sell CBD-infused beauty products became particularly
          experience.                                                 interested in exporting to Japan. According to Grand View
          A Japan-based research collaboration between Kirin Holdings,   Research, the global CBD skincare market was valued at $964.1
          FANCL and Keio University has resulted in an enhanced       million in 2022 and is projected to expand by 31.5% from 2023
          cleansing  agent  developer  utilizing  artificial  intelligence  (AI)   to 2030.
          and  molecular  simulation  technologies. This  can  be  used  to   The Femcare/Femtech category is a growing opportunity in
          develop a cleanser with  a “high  makeup  removal function”   the Japanese beauty space. It targets women and their overall

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