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beauty brand”, Amazon will put you (like in a window of a store), or you can ThE BUY BOX
in touch with the right person to help spend money to be relevant choosing The Buy Box refers to the box on the
you start your activity. Amazon’s Indie the right key words to be found as in a right side of the Amazon product detail
Beauty page is packed with thousands of Google AD campaign. page, where customers can add items
products from emerging beauty brands. • Reviews are a precious tool, the more for purchase to their cart. There could
You’ll find makeup, skincare, beauty and the better you have, the more be many sellers selling this product, but
tools, haircare, and more. So whether relevant you will be for the algorithm only one seller can be in the Buy Box at
you need to replace your favourite lip and the product will have more a time. We call this “winning” the Buy
moisturizer or try out a new hair mask, visibility: they will help you to increase Box. On other marketplaces (like eBay),
the Indie Beauty section is the place to your organic ranking. every seller creates their own product
discover new must-haves. • Ship in time and ship great products! page leading to thousands of listings per
• Good description of the products and SKU; customers choose who they want to
AN EFFECTIVE DTC sTRATEGY good pictures and videos buy from. On Amazon, its own algorithm
If a brand has a DTC strategy, Amazon • Titles of the descriptions are very chooses the seller; the customer has no
should be complementary to the brand’s important. Amazon allows quite longer choice as to which seller is in the Buy Box.
e-commerce activities. The consumer title texts than other e-retailers The algorithm considers each seller’s
goes to the brands’ website to see the • Influencer programmes: Amazon criteria for that product (seller rating,
latest news from the brands and to live the created a programme called “Creator how fast the item will ship, price, etc.)
experience of being part of a community. connections” where you can send and determines which seller should be
In the website they can find interesting your product to influencers, and they in the Buy Box. Since lowest price is the
tools that Amazon doesn’t have, such as a do a post with a link to the product leading criteria, the seller who has the
foundations finder or a fragrance finder. on Amazon. Another influencers’ lowest price is often the winner of the
But after visiting the website, they go to programme is called “Amazon Lives”; Buy Box; they win 100% of the sales while
Amazon and look for the best price and in this case people like brand creators’ they are in the Buy Box. Amazon does not
free shipping, this is where they buy. or owners and founders of brands, can split the Buy Box, so if you allow multiple
Amazon can also do personalization: they have a live interview and interact with authorized sellers to sell your product,
will propose to you the products they possible customers presenting their they will have to compete against each
think you will like the most. They are very products. Influencers can also take part other to win the Buy Box. Once you
good in giving you options, but they are in this programme doing Amazon lives understand the Buy Box, you understand
not very good in helping you choosing and they do very well with sales. how being the only seller of your product
what to buy, and this is where the brands on Amazon provides you with the most
can win with their e-commerce, offering Apart from these dedicated programmes, control of price and customer experience.
immersive experiences and additional there are 2 ways of working with
tools, taking advantage of this “white influencers on Amazon: the traditional AMAZON AND LUXURY
space” on Amazon. one is when a brand has its own Amazon entered the luxury beauty
influencers, these influencers must open market in 2013 to solve the issue of the
MAIN MARkETING AMAZON RULEs an Amazon store front (you see lots of luxury resellers; the first programme
• To be successful you must spend these links on IG) and they have a link they created was called Amazon Beauty,
money on advertising. The algorithm to the products they suggest. When the but it was not very successful. In 2017
won’t allow spending too much money customer clicks and buys, the brand they renamed the programme, calling
at the beginning. At first, the brand gets the money. But now there is a new it Premium Beauty with which they can
usually spends between 10% and 20% programme, an app called “inspired” switch a button and make the resellers
of your revenue and the return is 3 where there are influencers that work of the brands that subscribe to the
to 5 times. The return you have on for Amazon, they promote the products, programme invisible. That doesn’t mean
the money spent on AD on Amazon is and they earn commission. If you buy the that they are banned and cannot sell
better than any other platform, even products, Amazon pays the influencers. anymore, but they won’t be visible, and
including Google. To be part of “inspired,” the influencers the page /window will be monographic,
There are 2 kinds of advertisement in must be chosen by Amazon based on dedicated only to the prestige brand.
Amazon: you can spend money to be the number of followers, or they can be Other benefits of Premium Beauty: the
visible with banners/pictures/ videos suggested by the brand itself. product page has a premium beauty