Page 36 - EM - Export Magazine Perfumery Edition
P. 36



               100% FUNCTIONAL PRODUCTS

                                                 the brand’s story began with its founder,   two important line extension: anti-
                                                 Dr Mariagrazia Boniardi biologist,      ageing sun care Plusol with the Plusolina
                                                 researcher and a dermatological patient   complex  and the hair care line Fortiker
                                                 due  to  her  reactive  and  intolerant   with the Glixina complex.
                                                 skin, who developed the brand with a    The first ethical report of environmental
                                                 revolutionary spirit of pioneering and   and social responsibility and governance
                                                 scientific research. The innovative     was  published  in  2021  on  the
                                                 idea at the start is today the brand’s   website.
                                                 mission: to make cells “happy” leading   The Dermagenia line came into being
                                                 to the famous hashtag #cellulefelici.    in 2022, with biotechnological active
                                                 The philosophy of Skinius follows the   ingredients. The products have a holistic
                                                 rule of what is essential: the products   dermatological protocol with olfactory
                                                 are  created  when  there  is  a  real   pyramids without allergens: a real
                                                 dermatological need and the approach    revolution in the dermatological world
                                                 is simple, clean and essential in its   for sensitive skins. Dermagenia has been
                                                 purest form and in the deepest scientific   defined “a miracle of formulation” by the
                                                 content,  with  an  essential  and  refined   scientific community and is the first 100%
                                                 aesthetic.                              Italian-made “Cleanical Beauty” line.
                                                 It all started when Dr Boniardi started to   This anniversary year has been one of
            The authoritative                    market  in  pharmacies  the  first  product   great evolution for Skinius, for example

               skincare brand                    based on Phospidine,  today  FOSPID     the  start  of  the  “Skinius  Beauty  Suite”
                                                                                         project,  opening  beauty  cabins  in  the
            celebrates its first                 conquered pharmacists, dermatologists,   best  pharmacies  and  medical  practices
                                                                                         thanks to  functional protocols of dermo-
                                                 aesthetic doctors and consumers. This
          15 years in business                   was followed in 2009  by the patenting   regenerating aesthetic (face, body and
                                                 of  the  Alukina  complex  which  helps   hair).
                                                 rebalance skin affected by troublesome   Skinius also becomes international as it is
          The name Skinius comes from the English   imperfections correlated with dermatitis   present, the only Italian skincare brand,
          “skin” and the Latin “ius”, meaning right,   and imbalances in the sebaceous gland,   in  the  prestigious  international  e-shop
          which  reflects  the  brand  philosophy   giving rise to the ALUSEB  line for   Net-à-Porter. The amenities line with
          which maintains that skin has the right to   sebhorreic dermatitis and the Alusac ®   the  Skinius  Milano  trademark  has  also
          be treated with science and conscience,   line for impure skin, skin with acne and   been  redesigned  and  is  now  available
          at any age.                            impure, combination and oily skins.     in refillable dispenser formats as well as
          The stress goes on the first vowel, as   The brand continued to grow with      the classic minisizes.
          in ancient Greek, a language that is   new   products   in  the   anti-ageing  As from 1 October 2023, Aluseb is to all
          known for being romantic and musical.   dermatological  line  Skinius  The  Doctor   effects part of the Skinius portfolio and
          Acknowledged as serious and for the    Is In with the Phospidine complex and   from now on Skinius will deal not only
          prestige  of its formulas which have   then  the  first  line  of  food  supplements   with the production process and quality
          always been the reference for very     SKINIUS NUTRACEUTICALS, which thanks    but also its national and international
          sensitive,  reactive  and  intolerant  skin,    to its rapid success was expanded with   distribution.

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