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Unlocking AsiA’s
BeAUty Alchemy:
nAvigAting the
DynAmic lAnDscApe
of emerging
Trailblazer, entrepreneur, advisor and mArkets
business strategist are just some of
the ways to describe Valérie Kaminov,
Founder & Managing Director of
International Luxury Brand Consultancy. Rising affluence in Asia has led to
Valérie’s enviable reputation in the world a thriving and discerning beauty
of international beauty, stems from her market, marked by innovation and
highly effective approach to developing trends like K-Beauty and J-Beauty
brands. Her forward-thinking acumen and that influence global consumers.
smart strategies are based on an innate This dynamism is particularly
insight into global markets, an ability that evident as emerging markets
has led her to take brands to up-and-
coming beauty destinations before others. such as Indonesia, and Thailand
This deep understanding of the industry, challenge mature markets
how to position products, where to go, like Hong Kong and Korea,
who to speak to and how to get results creating a diverse and exciting
has made IL Brand Consultancy the go-to landscape for beauty brands.
company for beauty brands looking Asian consumers value collective validation, often averaging around 9 touchpoints
to grow their business around the world. such as vlogs, tutorials and social media for purchase decisions, compared to 5 or 6 in
Since establishing her influential
consultancy, Valérie has successfully the West. Transparency and credibility are therefore crucial for success in this market.
steered emerging talents to global Brand consciousness is strong among Asian consumers, and the role of brand
recognition, re-established well-known ambassadors and Key Opinion Leaders is significant in their success. This alignment
names, advised on growth plans extends to the digital landscape, where influencer content, online referrals, and
and introduced a host of beauty brands marketing campaigns have a substantial impact.
to new distribution channels. Changing lifestyles, a growing emphasis on health and wellness, environmental concerns,
She has been instrumental in the and a focus on natural products are shaping beauty habits across Asia. Each country
transformation of many businesses around has localised trends, such as Indonesia’s ‘Halal’ and ‘Herbal’ categories, and Korea’s TV
the world and always on the belief that
profitable market entry and sustained Shopping Networks becoming popular platforms for discovering beauty products.
growth require the right partners.
It is why she is regarded as one of
the most well-connected people in the
industry. Having been at the forefront
of the global cosmetics industry for over
25 years, Valerie’s thought leadership
and knowledge have led her to be a
regular contributor to Export Magazine,
creator of Connect Beauty, host at the
IMF Convention, developer of the Cannes
Duty Free programme as well as author
of the informative market-focused Inside
Cosmetics Collection that have become
required reading for brands looking at
global expansion. From launching brands
on the international stage to being a
business intelligence resource, Valérie’s
rare combination of skills make her
an exceptional consultant and advisor.