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P. 72
A glittering showcase of Packaging
excellence on January 17/18
Josh Brooks,
Director of Paris
Packaging Week
at event organiser
Easyfairs, is
another excellent
event, saying,
“Paris Packaging
Week has built
a position at
the heart of
innovation for
beauty, drinks,
luxury and
With more
exhibitors than
650 exhibitors and plenty of FEA; PLD is for the premium drinks ever on the show floor next year, Paris
international visitors are expected segment, especially wine and spirits; is the place to be for brands, designers,
to join the Paris Expo Porte de and Packaging Premiére is dedicated and packaging producers looking to
Versailles in the world’s capital city to luxury products such as watches, stay on the cutting edge of every trend.”
of the luxury and beauty industries. jewellery, fashion, confectionery and “It is a privilege for us to be trusted by
The showcase provides drinks, fine food. The glitzy four-way event the world’s top packaging suppliers
luxury, beauty, and FMCG brands continues its impressive growth year- and brand owners, as well as many
with the sourcing opportunities on-year, with the 2023 event attracting new participants, to create the forum
and expertise to help shape a record total of almost 9,000 visitors, that defines packaging in the year to
the future of their packaging representing over 2,500 brand owners come; and we can’t wait to welcome
designs. A packed show floor will and design agencies from across the them to the event. Save the date –
be complemented by an exciting world. Its success was also recognised Paris Packaging Week is back as the
programme of speakers, innovation with two prestigious industry awards; packaging sector’s must-visit expo.”
galleries and networking events the AEO Excellence Award for Best This year’s event also sees a number
set to be announced in due course. International Show – Europe, and of new exhibitors participate in Paris
Paris Packaging Week brings together the Exhibition News Award for for the first time, including paper and
four events each designed to drive Best International Trade Show, packaging specialist Mondi, up and
packaging business and innovation marking it out as a must-attend event coming brand Addison, and German
in a specific market. PCD covers in the packaging industry calendar. engineering giant ThyssenKrupp.
perfume, cosmetics, and personal
care packaging; ADF is the forum
for aerosol and dispensing solutions Visitor registration for Paris Packaging Week 2024 is open at
and is organised in partnership with
the European aerosol federation, the