P. 16
Sa Sa
interview with
Dr. SiMon kwok,
chairMan anD ceo of
Sa Sa international
holDinGS liMiteD
In response, Sa Sa is optimising its portfolio of exclusive
brands, accelerating digital transformation, and expanding
the OMO (Online-Merge-Offline) new retail model to provide
customers with the highest quality products and services.
em: How many points of sales do you count, in HK
and other countries?
SK: Sa Sa’s operations cover online and offline retail
and wholesale sales channels in Hong Kong and Macau,
Mainland China, and Southeast Asia, and online sales
in certain locations in the rest of the world. The Group
has regional offices in Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia. Sa Sa operates 180 physical stores in
eXPORt mAGAZINe: Sa Sa 2024, are you satisfied of total with 82 in Hong Kong and Macau. Sa Sa operates
current results up to the 1st semester? in the online space through its own website and mobile
SIMOn KWOK: Sa Sa’s performance in the first half app, and reaches a wider audience and geographical
of the year has been impacted by broader economic locations via third party platforms. For example, the
challenges, coupled with the diminishing effects of consumer market in Mainland China is dominated by
last year’s post-covid rebound in consumer spending. online shopping, therefore, the Group is focusing on the
Additionally, there is a noticeable trend of residents development its online business, serving customers via
from Hong Kong and Macau engaging in “northbound mainstream online platforms. Hong Kong and Macau
consumption” in Southern China. We are currently in an are core markets for the Group, with local customers
adjustment phase and will continue to actively adapt and Mainland Chinese tourists each accounting for half
to changing market dynamics in pursuit of improved of the business in this market. Sa Sa’s offline presence
performance. As the pandemic recedes, the global in SEA is through a network of 73 stores in Malaysia
economy and consumer patterns are undergoing and Singapore. Our online presence in the region is
transformation and challenges. mainly through third-party platforms, Shopee, Lazada