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                                     KEY INSIGHTS FRoM

                                  INDUSTRY LEADERS AT

                               pARIS pACKAGING WEEK

                Top industry leaders from iconic brands like Unilever,
               Yves Rocher, LVMH, Colgate-palmolive, Reckitt, Kering,

                 FFS and Umvin, will unite to reveal exclusive insights

                  and share their expertise on tackling the packaging
                                   sector’s most pressing challenges

            Easyfairs, the organiser of Paris
            Packaging Week, is set to unveil
            its highly anticipated conference
            programme for the January 2025 event.
            The two-day event promises to deliver
            unparalleled insights and innovation
            for professionals in the beauty, luxury,
            premium drinks, and aerosol packaging
            sectors. The conference will feature four
            key stages: the Circular Economy Stage,
            Future Innovation Forum, Pentawards
            Festival stage, and the Global Aerosol
            & Dispensing Summit, each addressing
            the industry’s most urgent challenges.

            CIRCULAR ECoNoMY STAGE:               other argues plastics’ indispensable   Colgate-Palmolive, Unilever, and
            NAVIGATING SUSTAINABILITY AND         role and sustainable potential.       Kering Beauty, along with institutions
            REGULAToRY CHALLENGES                 Highlights include a debate on the    like EUROPEN, FEBEA, and Citeo,
            The Circular Economy Stage, sponsored   2025 European Packaging and         will provide diverse insights into
            by DOW, will address key sustainability   Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR)   recyclability, regulations, and innovation,
            and regulatory challenges in the      and a presentation from the Circular   offering attendees a comprehensive
            packaging industry. Two keynote       Economy Committee (CEC) on its        view of packaging’s landscape.
            speakers will present opposing views   roadmap for advancing reuse in the   Alexandra Ferré, Head of Impact and
            on the future of plastics: one advocating   drinks sector and fostering a circular   CSR at Yves Rocher, who will participate
            for “deplastifying” industries, while the   economy. Industry leaders such as   in the roundtable discussion on

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