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            “At a Crossroads: The Heritage,       pENTAWARDS FESTIVAL STAGE:
            Industrialisation, and Future of      pUSHING THE BoUNDARIES
            Responsible Cosmetics Packaging,”     oF pACKAGING DESIGN
            expressed her enthusiasm: “Packaging   Curated by the Pentawards, the
            today—its purpose, relationship with the   world’s leading packaging design
            product, and broader impacts—stands at   competition, the Pentawards Festival
            a crossroads. Balancing tradition with the   Stage will focus on design, branding,
            drive for modernity, its future is shaped   and consumer trends for the coming
            by the ecological imperative. I look   year. Keynotes include Kevin Marshall,
            forward to this roundtable, where we’ll   Senior Director of Design at Microsoft,
            explore the paths packaging can take,   sharing insights on inclusive design,
            focusing on the collective transformation   and discussions on Haleon’s work
            where creativity, sustainability, and   with Advil and Coca-Cola’s approach
            circularity converge to shape the future.”   to intentional, sustainable design.
                                                  Additional highlights will include
                                                  Diageo’s approach to lower-carbon
                                                  packaging, Nestlé’s multisensory brand
                                                  experiences, and innovative branding
                                                  from Johnnie Walker and Carrefour.

                                                  GLoBAL AERoSoL & DISpENSING
                                                  SUMMIT: INNoVATING FoR
                                                  SUSTAINABILITY AND pERFoRMANCE
                                                  Presented in partnership with the
                                                  European Aerosol Federation (FEA),
                                                  the Global Aerosol & Dispensing
                                                  Summit will address sustainability and
                                                  innovation in the aerosol sector.
                                                  Key sessions will explore
                                                  carbon-negative DME from unrecyclable
                                                  plastic waste, CO  as a sustainable
                                                  propellant, and the European
                                                  Commission’s evolving approach
                                                  to sustainability in aerosols.
                                                  Thought leaders from International
            FUTURE INNoVATIoN FoRUM:              associations, Henkel, Tata Steel
            UNVEILING THE NEXT GENERATIoN         and Suez will discuss
            oF pACKAGING TECHNoLoGIES             advancements in performance
            The Future Innovation Forum will explore   and environmental responsibility.
            the cutting-edge technologies and     Christelle Anya, Content and          and dispensing, PCD for beauty and
            materials shaping the future of packaging.   Community Director at Paris Packaging   personal care, PLD for premium drinks,
            Highlights include a debate on the power   Week, said: “We’ve worked hard to   and Packaging Première for luxury
            of colour with Merci Handy’s Louis    enhance the conference experience     brands. With even more speakers and
            Marty, followed by Dr. Gordon         this year by listening closely to market   events to be announced, and a sold-
            Pleyers on how visual complexity      needs. Our goal is to present timely,   out exhibition floor hosting over 840
            influences consumer perception.       relevant topics with top-tier speakers   exhibitors, this year’s event is set to be
            The forum will also feature discussions on   who will offer insights into the   the largest Paris Packaging Week yet.
            how AI’s can revolutionize packaging with   challenges and opportunities
            experts from brand owners, consulting   shaping the future of packaging.
            agencies and AI experts. The Future   We’re excited for these discussions to   Visitors can view the full
            Leaders class of 2025 panel on Tuesday   unfold and to provide a comprehensive   conference programme and
            will showcase ten inspiring young     vision for the packaging industry.”      register for a free ticket at
            innovators sharing their transformative   Paris Packaging Week will feature four
            ideas for the packaging industry.     dynamic showcases: ADF for aerosol

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