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Trailblazer, entrepreneur, advisor and business
strategist are just some of the ways to describe
Valérie Kaminov, Founder & Managing Director
of International Luxury Brand Consultancy.
Valérie’s enviable reputation in the world
of international beauty, stems from her highly
effective approach to developing brands.
Her forward-thinking acumen and smart strategies
are based on an innate insight into global markets,
an ability that has led her to take brands to up-and-
coming beauty destinations before others.
This deep understanding of the industry, how to
position products, where to go, who to speak to and
how to get results has made IL Brand Consultancy
the go-to company for beauty brands looking Brazil, renowned for its natural beauty, cultural richness, and biodiversity, has long
to grow their business around the world. held a prominent place in the world of cosmetics and fragrances. In recent years,
Since establishing her influential consultancy, however, Brazilian fragrance brands have not only made waves domestically but
Valérie has successfully steered emerging talents to also captured the global stage, redefining the narrative of perfumery. As the second-
global recognition, re-established well-known names, largest fragrance market in the world, Brazil’s rise in the fragrance industry offers a
advised on growth plans and introduced a host compelling story of innovation, authenticity, and cultural celebration. The numbers
of beauty brands to new distribution channels. are staggering: the Brazilian fragrance market generates approximately R$ 37.5
She has been instrumental in the transformation billion (USD 7.5 billion) annually, and nearly 78% of the population uses perfumes
of many businesses around the world and always regularly. This remarkable penetration reflects not just the country’s cultural affinity
on the belief that profitable market entry for scents but also the increasing sophistication of its fragrance offerings. Industry
and sustained growth require the right partners. experts predict further growth, with Brazil poised to strengthen its position as a global
It is why she is regarded as one of the most powerhouse in perfumery. A wave of emerging brands is contributing to this success.
well-connected people in the industry. story. For instance, Felisa has quickly gained international attention for its focus
Having been at the forefront of the global on sustainability, high luxury and storytelling crafting fragrances with meticulous
cosmetics industry for over 25 years, approach, focused on noble ingredients. Meanwhile, Natura & Co, the
Valerie’s thought leadership and knowledge have led owner of Avon, have solidified their reputation as champions of eco-
her to be a regular contributor to Export Magazine, conscious beauty. O.U.i, a contemporary Brazilian brand belonging
creator of Connect Beauty, host
at the IMF Convention, developer of the Cannes to the Grupo Boticário—the second largest after Natura—has also
Duty Free programme as well as author of the begun to make its mark, blending minimalism with bold olfactory
informative market-focused Inside Cosmetics statements. Social media and influencer marketing have played
Collection that have become required reading pivotal roles in amplifying these brands’ reach. Fragrance enthusiasts
for brands looking at global expansion. from around the world have begun to take note, and online platforms
From launching brands on the international have become crucial channels for storytelling allowing Brazilian
stage to being a business intelligence resource, brands to share their rich narratives and cultural heritage on a global
Valérie’s rare combination of skills make her stage. From niche perfumery to mass-market offerings, the Brazilian
an exceptional consultant and advisor. fragrance industry is proving that it has something for every audience.