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          EM: You are part of the next generation of fragrance founders   Our  focus  is  on  expanding  through  exclusive,  high-end  retailers
          who have embraced the digital platforms with a very forward-  and bespoke experiences that reflect the essence of FELISA—luxury,
          thinking approach. Can you share more about your profile-  craftsmanship, and individuality.
          raising initiatives and collaborations?                    We are also embracing digital platforms as a powerful channel to
          FEO: Digital platforms are essential to FELISA’s growth, allowing us to   reach a discerning global audience. Our strategy is to carefully grow
          connect authentically with a global audience. Through storytelling,   our  international  footprint,  maintaining  the  brand’s  exclusivity
          we share the inspirations behind each fragrance and my personal   while  ensuring  that  every  customer  feels  the  personal  touch  and
          journey, creating a deep emotional connection.             authenticity that defines FELISA.
          We’ve embraced virtual tools, like online fragrance consultations,
          and  partnered  with  influential  tastemakers.  A  highlight  was  our   EM: What sort of customer profile is your strongest?
          collaboration  with  Carol  Bassi  (A  renowned  Brazilian  fashion   FEO:  FELISA’s  strongest  customer  is  a  sophisticated,  discerning
          designer and entrepreneur known for her sophisticated and feminine   individual who values exclusivity, craftsmanship, and individuality.
          style)  at  Paris  Fashion  Week,  blending  fashion  and  perfumery  to   Whether man or woman, they seek a fragrance that reflects their
          elevate FELISA’s profile internationally.                  unique identity and enhances their lifestyle. Often well-traveled and
          By  focusing  on  immersive  digital  experiences  and  strategic   emotionally connected to scent, they choose FELISA for its ability
          collaborations, we’re building a modern, engaging narrative for niche   to  offer  a  signature  fragrance  that  resonates  with  their  personal
          luxury perfumery that resonates with our customers worldwide.  experiences and aspirations.

          EM: Tell us more about your ‘tradition meets innovation’ approach   EM: What’s next for FELISA?
          to your creations and how does this translate with your brand?  FEO: FELISA is on an exciting journey of growth, both internationally
          FEO:  At  FELISA,  tradition  and  innovation  coexist  harmoniously.   and within Brazil. While we are focused on expanding our presence
          We honor the timeless craftsmanship of perfumery, working with   in key international markets, we are also focused on continuing to
          master perfumers and sourcing rare, natural ingredients from   build and strengthen the brand here at home. There is still much to
          around  the  globe.  This  respect  for  tradition  ensures  that  each   achieve in Brazil, and we are dedicated to deepening our connections
          fragrance embodies depth, authenticity, and luxury.        with local customers, elevating our presence in the luxury market,
          At the same time, we push boundaries with innovative concepts and   and enhancing the FELISA experience across all touchpoints.
          modern  formulations.  From  creating  bold,  unconventional  scent   Looking  ahead,  we’ll  continue  to  innovate  with  new  fragrances
          combinations to embracing sustainable practices, FELISA redefines   and  exclusive  collaborations,  while  staying  true  to  our  values  of
          what niche luxury can be. This duality is reflected in every aspect of   craftsmanship, sustainability, and personalization. The future is full
          the brand—our storytelling, our fragrances, and our commitment   of potential, and we’re eager to see how FELISA evolves and inspires
          to offering unique, personal experiences. It’s a balance that allows   on both a local and global scale.
          FELISA to resonate with both heritage enthusiasts and those seeking
          something  truly  new  and  exclusive.  Your  initial  launch  collection
          received rave reviews, being described as ‘authentic’, ‘of such high   There’s  no  doubt  that  the  future  of  Brazil’s  fragrance  market
          quality’  and  ‘innovative’.  From  these  launch  five  you  added  new   looks remarkably  promising.  With  sustained  innovation, a
          fragrances, do you have a bestseller or a fragrance that you would   strong commitment to sustainability, and an expanding digital
          call your signature within your collection? While each fragrance in   footprint, Brazilian brands are positioned to solidify their status
          the FELISA collection tells a unique story and resonates with different   as global leaders in perfumery. From leveraging the country’s
          moments, one stands out as our signature: Velvet Tobacco Intense.   unique biodiversity to embracing modern storytelling methods
          This scent embodies the essence of FELISA—sophisticated, daring,   through  social  media, these  brands have  carved  a distinctive
          and deeply personal. With its bold blend of leather, cacao, tobacco,   niche in a highly competitive market.
          and oakwood, it appeals to women seeking a fragrance that is both   As demand for niche, premium, and eco-conscious fragrances
          a statement and a reflection of their individuality. It has become a   grows worldwide, Brazilian perfumery is set to meet these
          favorite among our customers, praised for its unparalleled quality   needs with creativity and authenticity. The rise of e-commerce
          and emotional depth.                                       and  the  influence  of  global  collaborations  further  amplify
                                                                     this potential, ensuring that Brazil remains a key player in the
          EM:  What are your goals for international markets and the   fragrance industry. Ultimately, the story of Brazilian fragrances
          preferred channels for FELISA?                             is one of cultural pride, innovation, and global aspiration—a
          FEO:  FELISA’s  goal  is  to  establish  itself  as  a  globally  recognized   story that continues to captivate consumers across the world.
          luxury brand, with a presence in key international markets.

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