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          We spoke to Fernanda Elisa Orcioli,

          Creative Director & Founder at Felisa,
          who provided some insight on
          the fragrance market in Brazil

          EXPORT MAGAZINE: Brazil has a world-leading reputation in
          the fragrance industry, but The House of FELISA is the first
          Brazilian niche brand. What inspired you to go for this bold
          FERNANDA ELISA ORCIOLI: Brazil has long been celebrated as a
          powerhouse in the fragrance industry, primarily for its vibrant and
          expressive  mass-market  perfumes.  However,  I  saw  an  untapped
          opportunity  to  elevate  our  global  presence  with  a  brand  that
          embodies true luxury and artistic craftsmanship.
          The  inspiration  for  FELISA  came  from  my  own  journey—20  years   Brazilian.  Brazil  has  a  unique  ability  to  evoke  passion,  vibrancy,
          working with global luxury brands allowed me to witness firsthand   and  emotion—qualities  that  resonate  universally.  These  are  the
          how niche perfumery was redefining the market worldwide. These   traits I’ve infused into FELISA, blending the warmth and energy of
          brands  were  telling  unique  stories,  offering  unparalleled  quality,   Brazilian culture with the sophistication of niche perfumery. It’s this
          and creating deep emotional connections  with their audiences.   duality that makes the brand so captivating. FELISA bridges these
          I  believed  it  was  time  for  Brazil  to  have  a  voice  in  this  exclusive   worlds seamlessly, offering a luxurious experience that feels both
          world—a brand that could represent our sophistication, creativity,   intimate and globally inspired.
          and richness on a global stage.
          FELISA  is  not  just  another  perfume  brand;  it’s  a  deeply  personal   EM:  Your  fragrance  profiling  demonstrates  the  increasing
          project born out of my passion for perfumery and my belief that   focus on the neuro-science connection of perfumes, do you
          every woman deserves a fragrance as unique as her story. We work   find that your customers select more than one FELISA scent
          with  the  rarest,  most  exquisite  natural  ingredients  sourced  from   to be more aligned to their lifestyle and daily wellbeing?
          around the world, always with a commitment to sustainability. By   FEO:  At  FELISA,  we  deeply  understand  the  powerful  connection
          marrying  this  meticulous  curation  with  Brazil's  vibrant  soul  and   between scent and emotion. Perfumes have an extraordinary ability
          my  personal  memories  from  the  places  I've  lived,  FELISA  offers   to influence our moods, evoke memories, and even enhance our sense
          fragrances that are not just luxurious but transformative.  of  well-being.  This  understanding  has  guided  the  creation  of  each
          For me, creating FELISA was about redefining what luxury means in   FELISA fragrance, designed not just as an olfactory experience but as
          the Brazilian context and proving that we can innovate and inspire   a way to harmonize with the different facets of our customers' lives.
          on the world stage with authenticity and excellence.       Many of our clients select multiple FELISA fragrances to complement
                                                                     their dynamic lifestyles. They might choose a romantic, floral scent
                                                                     like our Ylang-Ylang and Turkish Rose blend to accompany moments
                                                                     of intimacy or reflection, while gravitating towards a bold and daring
                                                                     leather-and-tobacco  fragrance  for  evenings  of  confidence  and
                                                                     power. This intentional selection allows them to craft a wardrobe of
                                                                     perfumes that aligns with their emotions,
                                                                     activities, and aspirations.
                                                                     Our  customers  often  describe  FELISA
                                                                     as  more  than  a  fragrance—it  becomes
          EM:  ‘Made  by  the  World’  reflects  your  ingredient  sourcing,  yet   a personal signature, a tool to elevate
          there is a distinct Brazilian style to your brand. Have you found   their  mood,  and  a  way  to  express  their
          this distinctive fusion creates both local and international appeal?  individuality. By integrating the principles
          FEO: Absolutely. The philosophy of "Made by the World" is at the heart   of neuroscience into the artistry  of
          of FELISA, where we meticulously source the most sophisticated and   perfumery,  FELISA  not  only  enhances
          rare  ingredients  globally—ylang-ylang  from  Malaysia,  rose  from   their  daily  lives  but  creates  a  deeper,
          Turkey, patchouli from Indonesia, to name a few. However, while the   more  meaningful  connection  between
          ingredients are international, the soul of FELISA remains distinctly   scent and self.

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