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Health-Span Beauty:

          Why the Move to


          Beauty is Inevitable

         Image source: Unsplash

          In recent years, there has been a notable shift toward prioritizing   announcing  its  new  Skin  Longevity  platform,  the  Estée  Lauder
          longevity and health-span, or the period of life spent in good   Companies has invested in the formation of a longevity expert
          health,  as  key  areas  of  focus,  not  only  within  the  scientific   collective  across  multiple  disciplines  to  educate  and  empower
          community but also across industries, including beauty. This   consumers to rethink how they approach skincare and lifestyle.
          shift is driven by a growing recognition of the importance of not   Meanwhile, L’Oréal Groupe’s venture capital fund, BOLD (Business
          just extending lifespan, but also enhancing the quality of life and   Opportunities  for  L’Oréal  Development),  announced  in  January
          promoting overall well-being through a variety of lifestyle changes.  their investment in Swiss consumer health company Timeline, a
          Researchers have recently turned their attention to regions known   biotech focusing on aging and longevity. The multidimensional
          as blue zones, where populations exhibit exceptional longevity   and multi-industry impact of research into longevity comes at a
          and  a  reduced  incidence  of age-related  diseases.  These blue   time when consumers are eager for solutions that support their
          zones, such as Okinawa, Japan; Sardinia, Italy; Nicoya Peninsula in   overall health, beyond just meeting cosmetic needs.
          Costa Rica; and Loma Linda, California have attracted significant   While health and wellness are generally a priority for consumers
          interest  due  to  their  unique  demographics  and  lifestyles.  By   across generations, younger demographics like Generation Z
          studying these populations, researchers look to uncover the   place  significantly  more  importance  on  their  health  and  show
          distinct factors, or set of factors, that promote such remarkable   above-average  interest  in  addressing  mental  and  physical  well-
          longevity and overall health and vitality.                 being compared to other age groups . According to McKinsey
          Interest  in  longevity  is  growing,  and  the  beauty  and  wellness   &  Company,  in  the  United  States  alone,  the  wellness  market  is
          industries are growingly recognizing the importance of integrating   estimated at US $480 billion, growing at 5 to 10% per year, with 82%
          these insights into their practices and communications to resonate   of American consumers now considering wellness as a top priority
          with consumers who are increasingly attentive to their health. In   in their everyday lives. The trend stretches across continents with
          recent industry news, beauty giants Estée Lauder Companies and   similar findings in the United Kingdom and China (73% and 87%,
          L’Oréal have both invested in longevity-related initiatives. Recently   respectively) . When it comes to beauty, these younger consumers
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